Shocking Revelation in Crypto : There are two Types of News

in #bitcoin6 years ago

So if you are already in the crypto sphere you like to follow news from mainstream outlets. These are powerfull news media with large capital.

Did you know that actually they are all ganging up with the wealthy traders to create the news upon their needs and their request. Believe it or not. You must think its some conspiracy theory. But its not.
It is very real. Lets call them the Wallstreet Mafia.

So lets talk about the two types of news. There is actually two types of news. One is called : News For the Masses and the other : News For The Classes.

First News for the Masses.
The masses means us, the majority of people : ordinary Joe, Granny, Phil the construction worker and you the crypto noob (newbee).
The masses are the news design to create for instance : Fear Uncertainty and Doubt renown as FUD for example : Headline : SEC Rejected ETF Proposals without mercy. or in the other hand Bullish News such as : Bitcoin is the new Gold . And it will be on CNBC. CNN Money. All major news outlets you name it.

People will react to the news . The herd of sheperds (what the Wallstreet mafia calls us) will do exactly what they want us to do. When FUD is the mainstream media , they want us to sell our bitcoins and altcoins. Price tanks. Bear market happens like currently happening. But quetly ..... itsy bitsy spider......they are quetly buying cheap.

Now the interesting is News for the classes.
The classes means the smart people. Yes, you that are knowledgeable in market cycles, know 'things' on how to manage risk of your assets.
But unfortunately this type of news is rather difficult to find. Needs extra intelligence to find them. Yes. you must dig deeper go to forums like Steemit to find them. The characteristics are that they seem contrary.
On the other hand the can also be : Expert Chart analysis on where the price is going or how the market psycology is currently. They can also be paid membership for only the wealthy. Or news consumed only for a special elite group of people that determines what will happen next.

Now what should you do upon the two types of news ?

You'd better do the opposite.Contrary to what other people are doing. When there is bullish news, prices peaks. Sell right away. and the other way around in times like these (bear market) : Buy as much crypto as you can. Because that is exactly what they (mafia) are secretly doing now. When the next bull market arrives, you know what exactly they are doing.

Warren Buffet said : " Be greedy when everybody is fearfull or when the blood is on the streets". He bought coca cola stocks when the market crash.People where laughing at him. Same thing like nowadays : ha..ha..ya bag those worthless shitcoins.

Hope this article is usefull for you.