Hive for the Future

in #bitcoin29 days ago (edited)

Text text text typing text I can type quite fast you see. If you come along with me you will hear these thoughts quite fast indeed! One more line in fact in time there will be most epiphany, something certainly that comes at the end of all this. Well there must certainly be. I am a human and I was taught to type and so I tap tap tap really fast with my fingertips on this ancient keyboard stamping keys into words into thoughts don't slow down you can go as fast as you want. When does the paragraph end? When does the sentence begin? What questions does this introduction ask?

Why perhaps do you write this madness, well this proof of brain is supposedly supposed to be valuable, more valuable in fact than artificial non human typed generated texts. Now that I have caught your attention and perhaps you are here with me still gripped by the never ending cascade of words composed by yours truly @darkflame typing here at my desk. Composed using a keyboard as proof that I am a human, in an increasingly automated world where human meaningful work is more important than ever.

I share with you here my blog which I now compose on Hive as it is a trustless decentralized p2p web3 data layer for the whole world. The old web1 seemed to depend on random servers and web domains. The current web2 is centralized. Now we are here composing a new web3 which makes the user the center of the experience. Instead of users accessing static pages, users have blogs and they compose it the way they want to express themselves. Hive is made what we value most, our human meaningful thoughts and feelings and ideas and lessons and so much more. We tap tap tap on this new canvas of a new web for a future that we are creating now together each day at a time. When you feel like what you do doesn't matter, remember that what you do does matter, and you need to do what you can because no one else can. So whatever it is you do with your day, make it a good one. And time spent writing here I finally feel is not a waste because at least I know that this time the web3 we write will be here in another 7 years. Is that really how long it has been already?


Wow almost 8! So 8 years from now will be May 21, 2032. In another 8 years I will have composed more weekly Bitcoin price updates, more Hive price updates, perhaps more posts on daily blogging topics like technology, travel, cooking, and very likely more 3speak videos and more posts about films and music. I have been making websites since I was a kid but why? For what purpose did I teach myself html after school at the library? Well probably so I can do this and write links real fast lol! Where do you want to be in 2032? What do you want to do? What sorts of memories do you plan to have by then? Will you accomplish your bucket list before 2032? I used to have 100 things I wanted to do before I died, but honestly once I wen through the list and separated fantasy and implausibility to the list, there are just 15 things that are really important for me to focus on in my life. I can accomplish even a few things on that list each day, even if it is just 'Read' and 'Cook good food'. There is not much time however, to do all you want to do. We never know how much time we have, so make the most of each day the best you can. What will remain when we are gone? The legacy we leave, the family we create, the works we complete and publish.

Planning ahead for 2032, what sort of a Hobbit hole will I live in? Are there any Hobbit holes for sale in my part of the world? I think there is at least one air-bnb Hobbit house but I could build my own. I could even live in a pumpkin if I wanted to. What sort of 'comfort' do you seek? One user says he lives in a van, down by the beach, which sounds amazing to me. No doubt there are difficulties on the journey, but I think we all feel like Hive is home. And over the next 8 years I hope we can all improve our lives to the point where we are comfortable, and glad we took the time to prepare for the new 30s. The 20s have been a blur but reason will prevail if we proceed intelligently from here. Whether you have 2 cents or 2 dollars or 200 dollars, we all have the ability to do something excellent each day. Money is not the goal of life, its just energy.

Energy flows where attention goes, it has been said. Whatever you are passionate about, you should do. Don't wait for results to begin, I am going to post this and then I am going to play my guitar because that is what I want to do next. But first, I made a fresh pot of coffee downstairs.

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Love the 8 year countdown. We are all heading to the 2030s, one way or another.😁

Posted using MemeHive

Roughly counting down to the sixth bitcoin halving in 2032, give or take. More thann 99% of all bitcoin will have been mined. Scarcity gets real when the block reward drops below 1 BTC.

Maybe putting a little in SWAP.HIVE:SWAP.BTC diesel pool on tribaldex today and not touching it for 8 years isn't a bad idea.🤑

Posted using MemeHive