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RE: A Conversation With Crypto-Miner and Hash Rush Co-Founder Kris Vaivods

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Thanks for posting this great interview. Upvoted and Resteemed. I’m looking forward to Hash Rush! I’ve always been fascinated by the power of “cloud hashing” projects and cluster computing in general. It’s been very rewarding personally to use the University of Berkeley’s BOINC system to crunch numbers for scientific projects i.e. finding malaria treatment, helping to understand RNA folding, SETI-at-home, and locating potential asteroid threats.

For anyone who’s looking for something to pass the time while we wait for this awesome game, checkout BOINC for Windows, Mac, and Android and contribute some computer time (its only using computer resources when your screensaver is on).


Thanks for that, we're all hyped to see Hash Rush released as well! If you want to get in on the pre-alpha action, we've got a competition where you can win access along with a great Hash Rush t-shirt!
Check it out here: