Bitcoin Transitions from Disbelief to Hope IMHO

in #bitcoin3 years ago (edited)

Not financial advice.

It’s not the best time to be buying $BTC if you follow the rule: buy low sell high. On the other hand, for all of us earning Bitcoin (or crypto) in some shape or form we have some great times ahead.

From Disbelief to Hope

The recent pump is likely by institutional investors and the 2% as neither Google trends nor Bitcoin’s actual trading volumes imply the masses are back like in 2017.


However, institutions and “rich people” tend to hodl much longer than individuals. If they are the ones buying, then I truly believe we are back at the bottom of the market psychology cycle; where disbelief turns into hope.

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I can drop a few charts here and there but it only takes a second to see that the inescapable bubble is coming post 20k not prior. I’m still holding on to a bit of hope that we have a strong correction, maybe 30%, maybe back to 10k. It just seems less likely to happen now that the FOMO is among us.

I know I’m not the only one feeling euphoric but it’s not the time yet —I’m not selling another Satoshi until we (really) moon (again) 🌝

HODL on and thanks for reading 🙏🏽


$10,000? Why not $14,000?
Really have no clue where the correction will take BTC but I do know this rally is not pumped by stimulus money. It's large investing funds and rich guys. Dumb money will wake up when too late as usual.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

10k is only solid support psychologically and technically —just wish we go back there for just a moment 🥺

May your wish come true :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

lol they always do... Bitcoin bought me a hotel. It’s going to buy my yacht next 😉


I'm happy, correction or not, BTC is exploding and I went very heavy in btc despite my name, lol.