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RE: Americans Are Getting Increasingly Skeptical Of Government (74%), Accepting Of Cryptocurrency (8%+)

in #bitcoin6 years ago

the thing about blockchain is that when one gets corrupted another will take its place. they can buy some but they cant buy them all. also, in the process of buying out a crypto all of the early adoptors are made filthy rich. if they smell corruption they can jump ship with more power than ever before.


Early adopters who get out in time can make loads of money. Will all of them dedicate themselves to changing the system for the better or will they fall into the same trap that humans have fallen into forever.

Or perhaps they will be let into the club & change their perspective about the structure of things. Very easy to rationalize varying degrees of morality when you can have anything you want.

Transparency is sorely needed in this system

And then there are privacy coins that attempt to be the opposite of transparent. We are in the Wild West phase of crypto it's very hard to see where it's all going. The chaos will turn to order eventually, but what kind of order will it be? Will Big Brother come out on top or will we see something different?

Wild West phase of crypto & all of global economics!