The World of Cryptocurrency - Bitcoin's Historic Rise

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin is in phenomenal rise reaching a new all-time high of 12.5k+ dollars, the surge happened despite many analysts warning of a Bitcoin bubble burst coming about any minute after last week's volatility. This will be another historic rise of bitcoin and this will invites more investors and traders who are new in this currency. Bitcoin's performance before the end of 2017 is very amazing and its rise will continue 'til 2018 - there will be correction may occur on its way but the trend still goes up. Bitcoin even reigns in most googled in the web surpassing the record of US President Trump - Google searches for bitcoin pass Trump for the first time. This is how phenomenal Bitcoin is!

Even huge and popular companies can't ignore the power of Bitcoin to boost up their businesses and increase the scope of their market.


These are some of the popular companies that accept Bitcoin as a mode of payment in exchange for goods, services, tickets and etc. There will be more companies to join in the Bitcoin bandwagon and this will make it stronger than ever. We're now living in an age where Bitcoin is becoming a pandemic-like thing that started to change the worlds economic landscape. These institutions and businesses were the witnesses on how bitcoin evolve from an ignored currency to a global scale - accepted monetary system. And we are so lucky that we are part of this historic rise of Bitcoin - we somehow contribute a grain on a truck-load of sand on why bitcoin becomes of what it is now.



Central banks will try to stop it, it is getting too big.
They will fight untill the very end and they will loose badly.

LOL, If central bank will fight head-on with cryptocurrency - there will be great pressure on their part since bitcoin have so many supporters including you and me and millions of our fellow cryptonians. Bitcoin rules!

Congrats bro!!!!!

I just can't think of any way central banks can fight bitcoin and co head on. Even if there was a coordinated effort worldwide to fight cryptocurrencies it would only serve to relegate them temporarily to the underworld, but won't finish them off. The genie is already out of the bottle and it will only grow stronger and stronger from now.

what is today rate of bitcoin..? anyone know..?

You can refer to the link given below for all the rate of cryptocurrencies

Curious to see how the bitcoin futures will affect the price once implemented. Do not underestimate the power of short sellers in a market that is majorly influenced by fear and greed

The more investors and users of bitcoin, the less volatile will it be. It becomes stronger and more stable :)

I,m amazed, where will it stop?

I think it will not stop unless we all stop using bitcoin and no transaction in the blockchain will take place.

The rise of bitcoin to such an unprecedented high of over $12.5k against all odds and predictions, is the eight wonders of our modern world. I think more surprises are in store for market watchers.

I do agree with you. Bitcoin is the eighth man-made wonders that is so unique from other 7. It is virtual, intangible, its simply nothing at all yet so expensive surpassing the price of gold!

i agree with you.

This is a phenomenal post for help in understanding the global effects of crypto currency! My economics class and I are currently doing a unit on this, so I’ll definitely have to show them this!

It is going off the roof .
That does really feels good,Though i do not own any of much but does feels nice

it feels great buddy :)

Each day btc rises the more people it will get attention from. It is not if but when cryptocurrency will be accepted as the norm. It may be btc that will lead the way and as it stands now it most certainly look like so. Excited. Keep rising btc!

I absolutely agree with you!

All of us were so excited on this BTC historic rise. :)

Well this is a big coup for traders however im relating this to the risr of sbd. Isnt this a fantasy in reality?

yeah, SBD also is rising as much as 43% increase :)

is this real? Can you pay with BTC in McDonnalds?

For now, it is just selected outlet in Mc Donald were accepting BTC. But for the next year as per the report, they will accepting BTC as payment. :)

I wouldn't want to pay for anything with bitcoin as it took over 3 and a half hours yesterday my transfer confirmed. It's more of a store of value now like gold then a currency.

They must solve the issue of confirmation delay so that when implemented in the market on a wider scale, transaction will be faster :)

curypocurreny and black-chine can be stop i believe btc was started by God him self.

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nice post

Good words! Love

I am so happy to be part of this historic moment..Looking forward to the ultimate outcome
A Continuous rise or rapid decline??

I just pray to God John McAfee's prediction of bitcoin hitting $1000,000 by 2020 will come true. The guy has a colorful personality, but if what he says comes true somehow I and so many other people who invested in cryptos will be laughing all the way to the bank (if banks are still in by then that is).

yes true ... rightnow its hight rated crypto currency rightnow... OMG!LOL

thanks for sharing a wonderful thing

Hi friend nice information

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