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RE: Faucets - An Extra Way to get Free Cryptocurrencies

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Interesting with the transaction costs and decrease in ad revenue I would have assumed all the faucets would have dried up.

Use to be this one game that had faucets inside. Was a gambling game so most people back then blew all the drips they got out of it on the games. Whoever the top spender there must be anger now a days he blew tens of thousands of btc. The site was a bit old by the time I found it. I can only imagen the guy was gambling with a few dollars’ worth total at the time. I don’t recall it and its doubtful that place is even around anymore. If the owners didn’t cash out right away they made off with a lot of money.

I got like $20-$25 or so back then total out of the site and some other faucets.