Bitcoin is over 10,000 €

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

Is that good?

Source: Bitstamp

Or is this a rhetorical question for all Bitcoin holders? :)

Now, when I mentioned the rising price it will surely make a deep tumble.

Or is this jinxing the jinx?

Ps: how come I have nothing better to do on a beautiful sunny work-free Tuesday than to post short posts with no actual value? Or is this a rhetorical question too?

Better and better


Do you think this is a long term growth or just another bullrun? :)

Both 👍

It depends on how you define -long-term 😂

No, seriously. I decided not to think any longer when it comes to the price of crypto.

After all, it all depends on your enter and exit prices. And I am not a trader...

Exactly. Everyone has its own definition. My "long term" is at least 2 cycles of halvening in BTC , that is 10+ years.

What is your's???

I don't have one. At least not any longer. It all depends on when I need the real money :)

Congratulations to all my frieds BTC maximalists.
Feels so good. Upvoted full pwr, my friend.


50k and happy holiday

New record!

Meanwhile, stupid Steem is going down :(

When you say that Steem is stupid you are actually saying that your expectations are not aligned with the reality of Steem price :)

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