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RE: The Reason that BITCOIN Has Value is Because... + get 100SP delegated to you by commenting~

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Wow, this is the best content i've seen on steemit so far. I've actually learned something incredible.

I didn't see the ending coming and untill the ending i just had sad feelings and thoughts, but in the end you shared something which is a glance of hope in a very dark world.

We are not bound to companies that have their own political thoughts or companies who are bound to certain rules set by the goverment or whatever. It's great how people have used bitcoin to help Wikileaks getting the truth out there. We occasionaly see these kind of things in the news, but it dissapears so quickly...

The ONLY thing that might be dangerous about this is the fact that people could also use it for wrong stuff. I do not want to use certain words here, but people could also support evil groups this way without anyone to stop them. So i think your story has 2 sides, one is very beautiful but the other one might be something really bad.

I might be mistaken about this since i do not posses all the knowledge about crypto currencies yet, but please do correct me if i am.

Thank you for this VERY educational video, i got something to tell my friends and family!