Listen to the comments of 23 celebrities in the field of Blockchain and electronic money. What did they say?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Bitcoin (BTC) and blockchain technology have shaken the world in the last one or two years. That's why it's always something that appeals to you, me, and celebrities all over the globe.

Forbes has compiled 23 statements from these people and we would like to share with you.

Comedian of late night show Stephen Colbert:
"That is the gold of the bookworms"

Rick Falkvinge, founder of the Pirate Party of Sweden: "Bitcoin will remove the bank the same way that email did with the hand letter"

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, investor and philanthropist:

"Bitcoin is a great technological achievement"

Leon Luow, Nobel Peace Prize nominee:

"All intellectuals should know about Bitcoin as it may be one of the greatest advances in the world"

Roger Ver, First Bitcoin Investor:

" Bitcoin is the greatest discovery in the history of the world after the Internet"

Edmund Moy, 38th Director of the US Mint:

Bitcoin and the idea behind it is what will redefine the traditional concept of currency. After all, the currency will be better for Bitcoins.

Warren Buffett, investment legend, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway:

Stay away from it, it's just an illusion. Talking about electronic money, I can only say that they will not have a good ending.

Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs:

Still considering Bitcoin. No conclusions, no support, no objections. But it sure is like many people will be skeptical when paper money replaces gold.

Kim Dotcom, CEO of MegaUpload:

Bitcoin is an interesting discovery, which could be the start of a global currency. I think it will grow into one of the most important payoffs and deliverables in a decade.

Chamath Palihapitiya, Former Director of AOL Message Services:

It's money 2.0, which is extremely remarkable.

Ben Bernanke, former chairman of the US Federal Reserve:

Digital money can be a prospect if this innovation can develop a faster, safer and more efficient payment system.

Chris Dixon, co-founder of Hunch now owns eBay, co-founder of McAfee's SiteAdvisor:

There are three periods of currency: commodity background, political background and now the mathematical foundation.

Paul Graham, founder of Yahoo Store:

I was "fascinated" by Bitcoin. It has many signs. Which is a change of times, is favored by hackers, but is only seen as a toy. Like a micro computer. "

David Marcus, CEO of Paypal:

I like Bitcoin very much. I myself also hold a little. It's a valuable storage tool, a decentralized ledger. This is also a good investment if you like a bit of risk. However, this currency can not be a currency if its volatility is not overcome.

Marc Andreessen, entrepreneur and investor:

Bitcoin is an example of classic network effects, a positive feedback loop. If the number of users increases, the money becomes more valuable and encourages the next person to participate. Bitcoin has the same type of network effects as the telephone system, the Internet, and popular web services like eBay and Facebook.

Trace Mayer J.D., Bitcoin and Gold:

No need to check again, no charge (something that retailers love), no freezing account (like Paypal), no international transaction fee, always works on No need to wait until business hours to perform the transaction, no account verification to confirm eligibility to operate, open account easily in a few minutes as email, no need bank accounts, anyone can use, no troublesome paperwork, no hyperinflation, no debt limit, no financial aids from the bank, everything is voluntary. This seems to be the most perfect payment system in the world!

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google:

Bitcoin will be a great coding achievement, creating a non-parody in cyberspace with tremendous value.

John McAfee, founder of McAfee:

You can not stop Bitcoin. It will be everywhere, the world will have to change because it and the Governments will have to adjust themselves.

Richard Branson, entrepreneur and owner of the Virgin Group:

Virgin Galactic is an emerging technology initiative. It's a revolution. And Bitcoin is doing the same thing when it comes to creating a new currency.

Mike Novogratz, fund manager of Galaxy Digital Assets:

10% of my asset value lies in the field.

Marc Kenigsberg, founder of Bitcoin Chaser:

The new blockchain is one that we need to keep an eye on. Bitcoin is just the first application, but has shown the great potential of that technology.

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum and Bitcoin Magazine:

While most current technology focuses people around for a job, Blockchain tries to disperse everything from the center. Instead of making a taxi driver lose his job, Blockchain makes Uber useless because of the driver working directly with the passenger.

Jeffrey Gundlach, CEO of DoubleLine Capital:

Maybe I'm too old, but I will not be involved in this chaos.


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