Bullish on Bitcoin? Some Experts See It Hit $1 Million

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

If you think the $20,000 was too high, here a few market experts exploring the flagship cryptocurrency's potential to soar to a whopping $1 million per coin, an incredible market cap it'll reach. We are likely going to see the cryptocurrency's fundamentals strengthen over time.

If you've got someone who just keeps on naysaying the cryptocurrency, show them this video.


After the banks figured out it was a thing and then manipulated to get what they could at a cheaper price or to make profit in the pump, they are now clearing the roads to make crypto a real thing. So, if BitCoin remains a limited 21 million coin, then it can be worth a whole lot more as the final coins are mined.

$1 million? Well, what a wonderful world that would be.

Definitely agree. Seeing $1 million per bitcoin wouldn't just make all early adopters rich, it would make for a whole new economic system that I can't wait to see be implemented :)