Some Bitcoin and Crypto Videos I’m Watching This Sunday

in #bitcoin7 years ago

It’s Sunday and video time again. I hope this Sunday finds you well. Hard to believe 2017 is nearly over.

This first video is from Max Keiser and features and interview with it Jameson Lopp. The interview with Lopp starts at minute 12 and there’s some really interesting commentary on the future of bitcoin mining.

Follow Lopp on Twitter here.

This video is from This Week in Startups and features Brock Pierce and Vinny Lingham. Brock had some interesting comments on EOS, such as how he expects it will launch with 1,000+ applications.

It could be the biggest product launch ever. Hmmm. He also has some interesting comments on the new internet.

Found this one reading @heiditravels.

This video is an interview of Rick Falkvinge, self-proclaimed CEO of Bitcoin Cash and the founder of the Swedish Pirate Party with Sophie Shevardnadze of RT.

Found this video reading @greenman.

Happy Sunday!

For more on cryptos follow me @g-dubs and on SteemFollower


The old guards are now forced to accept Bitcoin, now it is truly going to the moon.

Bitcoin is truly changing the lives of so many different people around the world. This new technology is creating a whole new wave of millionaires. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, and if you don't hop on the train, you will be regretting it later on.

Really enjoyed reading this post :D.

Would be greatly appreciated if you could provide any kind of feedback on my blogs, whenever you get a chance. It will encourage me to keep doing better and help me on my journey. My latest blog is about people who lost absurd amounts of bitcoin and are probably crying today :(


Thanks for reading!
Yea best thing to do with BTC is just hodl ;-)

Thanks for the information . you are the best

I liked your video. You talked about Bitcoin in a very beautiful way. I love Bitcoin. I love Bitcoin. Bitcoin is my favorite coin.

Thank you... that makes two of use that love bitcoin ;-)

Thank you again, you will always share videos with us so that we can learn kichu, I will get your next video

bitcoin is my best earning site.
thanks for sharing bitcon content


thank you very much dear...when create you next blog??

I try for one a day

oh i see.. but i always follow you.

Good content here


This is more informative content about bitcoin.Bitcoin is my first choice on the earning site if you don't mind i want to resteem of your valuable content.can i get it?I am waiting for your reply?

@g-dubs Thanks! I liked your video. You talked about Bitcoin in a very beautiful way. I love Bitcoin


I saw the 1st and 2nd one but don't see the 3rd one. thanks for sharing, Much appreciated.

That's strange I see 3 ???


There are bunch of influential people talking about bitcoin now. Not sure what can it offer for the future of the blockchain and for the future of bitcoin? Are we seeing good thing because of this people talking about it? Are they backing it up or do they have their own/other motive? We'll see in the upcoming years. Good thing is that Bitcoin is rising up in it's own good way. Way to go for this helpful material, hope more people can watch it and learn through it.

Buy some BTC and hold on

@g-dubs, I think you may like this new STEEMPUNKS thing! I just installed it.. fight me!! :D

Lol I'll check it out ;-p

I've already found some loot, and I'm about to fight a bunch of people!!! rawr!

Great read and very informative @g-dubs

Thanks for the post!


Great article! Thanks for the exposure to these videos, I'm surprised I haven't seen them considering I'm crypto crazy. I'll definitely be following so I can benefit from your future posts.

Wow this is amazing content very knowledgeable and informative. Bitcoin is making a very big impact in the world today . But there’s a lot of things that could be updated bitcoin was developed in 2009 it’s almost 2018 . It’s like trying to use a cell phone from 2009 . The transactions are slow the transaction fee are outrageous . I believe in positioning for the future. I believe that bitcoin is MySpace and I’m trying to find that Facebook. But what do I know I’m just some guy on the internet 🤷🏻‍♂️😂. Thanks for this content.

We're all looking for the next FB ;-)

interesting bitcoin video


great videos



2017 has been a glorious year, crypto is exploding higher than all expectations and predictions...I thought a million per coin eventually happening in 20 years maybe but at this pace, if adoption grows exponentially like this and fiat currencies continue to go down due to quantitative easing, before the end of the decade we are there.

No complaints about 2017 ;-p

Your post always good and helpful.i like it your post. Thank you so much! @g-dubz

Thank you very much!

Welcome. I always follow you. Please visi my profile.

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