Bitcoin (BTC) Evening Update: ABCDE Nearly Complete

in #bitcoin6 years ago


Yesterday morning, the below chart of Bitcoin (BTC) was posted. It shows how the symmetrical triangle was progressing and that red waves A,B and C were complete. That left waves D and E remaining with the potential of a breakout occurring at wave D stage.

Currently, wave D could be nearing completion as shown in the below chart. Could there still be a wave D stage breakout as shown by the white arrow? Yes; but I believe the E wave will be the next part of sequence. IF so, this would complete the ABCDE symmetrical triangle structure. Price is then expected to breakout as it would also be proximal to the apex. Note how the volume is still declining and with the price breakout, it should as well (blue) arrow. So, overnight price action is likely to be down and complete the E wave. Perhaps, a morning surprise of a massive breakout could be seen.

Legal Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor nor is any content in this article presented as financial advice. The information provided in this blog post and any other posts that I make and any accompanying material is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial or investment advice of any kind. One should consult with a financial or investment professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. Plain English: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.

Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

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Thanks for perspective of bitcoin price. We are ready to the MOOOON ~ :D

I am suprised you have not yet reviewed GNT aka Golum it is one of the few tokens/coins that that has real world use !!!! it went up 40% after being listed on binance. i persoanlly am hodling it

I agree that GNT has real world use, but if you think there are only a few with "real world use", you need to start taking a look at ALOT of other coins out there.

Am glad you are sharing this info ,let the haters know bitcoin is still going to be around after a long time.

No you dip shit! I said, fractals, Patterns and fucked up by not listening well!

hey @haejin, thank you for your analysis... something we are learning from your posts. BTW @ned is in your country... hope you both meet with each other to build a better steem community.

Thanks for share the information.

I reckon on Saturday (5th-May) morning there may be a small rally, but for Friday (4th-May) it's mainly downtrend.

No you dip shit! I said, fractals, Patterns and fucked up by not listening well!

shut ur mouth we dont want to hear that

you high on weed?

Thanks for the information, this is very useful for existing friends of disteemit.

상세한 설명 감사합니다.


BTC will be rock . I think it would be brake $10000 this week.

Thanks for this nice view on btc!

Thankyou, @haejin I think you are right that BTC is poised for a break-out :) Thankyou for your continued assistance to the Steemit community :)

good post!

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