Bitcoin and Ethereum price is waxing stronger...

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Over time, cryptocurrency has gained a lot of attention and more people have started tading in them. However, Bitcoin and Ethereum are our winners today..

Bitcoin is setting a new all time high, should get to $5000 soon that we think and Ethereum may cross to the $500 zone soon, even litecoin seems to be holding up and still heading for $100. I am particularly waiting to see how this turns out.

Great days for Cryptocurrency, the coin marketcap is over $160billion that's like a 100% increase for last 2 months when it came to $80 billion, what this simply means is that cryptocurrency is the fastest grow industry in the world.

Call it a bubble but it can only be a bubble if it burst and it won't.

Which bubble in the history of bubbles has lasted for 8 years? Ask yourself.

So, get your blockchain wallets ready people because cryptocurrency is here to stay.

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Thanks Franklin. I agree completely....they are here to stay.

As for the bubble, I dont think it is in one. Yes the price of many coins has accelerated. However, considering the technological impact AND the fact these technologies are just starting to be implemented shows there is a long way to go.

The blockchain, in general, might see a growth rate that would get any CEO drooling. That will get the value of these systems increasing at a substantial pace.

Well said... Thanks

bitcoin dey vex😈

The coin is increasing rapidly

bitcoin is just the king of crypto

Bitcoin.... Sky rocket level