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RE: Kraken supports BCC!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

What i understand right now is that:

As on coimarketcap shows, it is futures (i hope i understand well that termen = future stocks or stocks for trading soon... i'm not an "english man in new york" :-))))) )

Bittrex is one of the most correct on answering to that problem (from what i searched till now):

They said, that who have in their wallet BTC will have also BCH (BCC).
The BTC wallet will be closed for deposit/withdrawal but trades can be made.

The wallet will remain closed until the majority hash power chain is clearly established. Trading will remain active during this time. In the event of a chain split, Bittrex will take all reasonable steps to ensure that customer funds can be preserved on both chains.

And regarding trading BCH or BCC, whatevar name will remain for bitcoin cash, here is their statement:

Bittrex will monitor the BCC network stability and developments and assess the viability of opening trading of BCC assets. There is no guarantee that any markets will open to allow BCC assets to be tradable on Bittrex exchange. In the case of no BCC market opening you will be able to withdraw BCC.

So, if it works, exchanges will let people trade, because they will make money from that. And is normal, because that is the business.

From what i see they are the most transparent on letting users know what will happen.

But, as i don't trust untill i see... we wil see what happens.

I think i will make a post from that to have information saved here too in case the information is changed there.

Regarding the value, depending on what happens after august 1st, when i think lot of people will dump BCC (BCH) and few others will buy it (the ones who believes in it) the price could be higher or lower, nobody can now in this uncertain times.

Here it is the problem. The way will happen in next few days will conclude first impressions regarding bitcoin cash power. It really depends on people reactions.

It is possible to be the same price as BTC soon, but is possible BTC will drop hard... who knows, we'll see it soon.