Money and Bitcoin and Steem

in #bitcoin5 years ago


Money has many names and faces

When you go to church it can be named offerings
When you support a foundation it can be named donations

when used in Marriage it is named dowry
when being used for Divorce it is named alimony

When you borrow from Bank it is named a loan
When you pay your loan it is then named debt payment

When you pay to the Government it is named Tax
Money given by Government to Retirees is named Pension
In Courts, it is named as Fines

When you are employed you get it as salary
When you consult a Doctor or Lawyer you give professional fees
When you provide Service they give you your wage
For waiters and cleaners who provide good service, they are given a tip

For children, it is named allowance

For beggars, you give it as alms

For Cinemas, Fares, and Circus it is named as Tickets

For Games and rides, it changes your money for Tokens


For Plastic Money, it is called Credit Cards

You have Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Bankcard, and others
It is also called Debit Cards or Bank money
It is named to the bank where you deposited the money

In the Foreign Exchange (Forex) World

They are called paper money or legal tender
Money is named the US Dollar, Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Swedish Krona, Russian Rouble, South African Rand, Swiss Franc, Indian Rupee, Chinese yuan, South Korean Won, Philippine Peso, Dinar, Riyal and many more from different sovereign countries.

Virtual Money, Digital Money or Money for the Internet

Here we can already include the new money called cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin, Steem, Etherium, Ripple, Monero, Tron, Stellar, Dash
and almost 1,000+++ more

I believe there is enough money for each and every one of us.

Images from Pixabay

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