Telegrams List of Cool Crypto-Chans and New Crypto Icons.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Telegram is one of most popular encrypted communicators right now. It has loads of great options, easy sync between many devices and easy GUI. You can chat on it with friends, with people who you dont know, enter channels where you read news or talk with bot but want too or just enter groups where loads of people chat.

I personally spend most of my time on telegram, the next is slack and discord is the third. IRC ive stopped using totally.

Interesting cryptocurrency chans on telegram that i can suggest:

Telegrams great function are also .gifs and stickers that you can self-create or post their ones. Lately, they have added officially trading ones...

Mr Trader Official Telegram Stickers

Install Telegram

Seek in appstory/Play for Telegram or visit werbsite on computer -

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!


If you have 35k SteemPower+ there is also 1 year old private channel withotu spam with nice posts only, PM me on discord/chat to get in.

First comment of kingscrown I've ever seen, not a response to someone else but adding to his own article, upvotes his own comment and not someone else's. Seems standard.

if only 50 steempower can I join join @kingscrown? maybe if i join my steem power will increase and i can help upvote unyuk friends in steemit. I will struggle to post a good work. Please help me

Buy more STEEM or look for public STEEM chans, theres plenty im sure

if to buy steam I still can not afford to buy it. I try to get steem from the results of my posting everyday. How to find public STEEM chans?

@fauzi03 Google is your friend. Google "Steemit chat channels" or "Steemit telegram/slack".

No. It is not. or Startpage are your friends. Google stopped being it long ago.

Fair point! I use ecosia, heard of it? Sometimes the search results are not as useful as Googles though.

Haha 😂

Thank still has provided information for me. Nice to meet you. Hopefully we can help each other in steemit. i will follow @blockchainttmft :)

Who is thank?

@kingscrown Thank you for the wonderful platform, great post, and I wish everyone well on the journey of our future. #ICO

Thanks for the info. My old friend @kingscrown the investment master :)

Hi kingscrown,
Thanks for the great content

@steemrobot - automatic curation bot for telegram

can you link it for the people ?

thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing ,

Upvoted !

By the way ,I started following you and I would appreciate your follow back too .
please visit my blog and vote me too

You so right king, you said

Telegrams great function are also .gifs and stickers that you can self-create or post their ones. Lately, they have added officially trading ones...

This is one of the reason i love the app

Great discovery, ill check it out!


very great quality ,, very much interested ,,, I really like your post ......

cool phone

Nice stickers

Telegram one as a secure communication tool. Its security is guaranteed. But in my country this telegram communications device has been blocked because terrorists are very easy to communicate using this communication tool because it is very safe. I personally really want to use it to communicate with other people. I want to communicate with you because I still want to know more about steemit. Thanks @kingscrown for sharing information :)

i resteem now

This is how Telegram used to work. lol.

This post received a 1.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kingscrown! To learn more, check out @randowhale 101 - Everything You Need to Know!

I've been using telegram for few days now and still exploring. Thanks to you @kingscrown, I learned something new!

Follow me...i will follow you back...lets earn together buddy

Sure man, I followed you.

Does anyone know any steemit group on the telegram?

Follow me...i will follow you back...lets earn together buddy

I hope to always make the best

Follow me...i will follow you back...lets earn together buddyFollow me...i will follow you back...lets earn together buddy

Frankly we needed it
The old gifs and stickers are boring
thanks for effort

Follow me...i will follow you back...lets earn together buddy

We also use Telegram! We have a Private Telegram channel for cryptocurrency calls. If any of you want to join, you can find the information on my page or at

I follow all your publications.
It's really useful and interesting.
Thank you so much.
Continue on this way

you are right

Follow me...i will follow you back...lets earn together buddy

Just downloaded it and testing it out now. But along my journey I downloaded two new games... ops

Paylasim icin tesekkürler.

Follow me...i will follow you back...lets earn together buddy

Can you use Telegram with other apps? In other words, can I chat with someone on another platform?

Excellent post, I liked it, I follow you to read what you publish, you pass by my profile, maybe something that interests you too, keep posting like this :D

This post received a 20% vote by @minnowsupport courtesy of @charmer from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

As people get tired of the Slackbot scam messages, it's only natural that they look elsewhere for a secure messaging platform. I like Telegram, I'm all for it. Good article.

Nice post in information Bitcoin.

Thanks for sharing ,

Upvoted !

By the way ,I started following you and I would appreciate your follow back too .
please visit my blog and vote me too

Thanks for sharing ,

Upvoted !

By the way ,I started following you and I would appreciate your follow back too .
please visit my blog and vote me too

Nice post @kingscrown. Telegram is really best

Great post! Thanks for informations man @kingscrown

thank for your great information and post.

Follow me...i will follow you back...lets earn together buddy

Greet information, im used telegram too

Follow me...i will follow you back...lets earn together buddy

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this is just awesome

Amazing app, thanks a lot...

@kingcrown followed and upvoted

Thank you very much! It is really what I need it. I read all crypto news from telegram chans!


im suchh a noob brah, my collegiate cryptography 310 notes are putting me into soo much student debt ayyye corumba

you guys are really successful here...hope to be one soon

Congratulations @kingscrown!
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so butifull 100% work well done dear i love this artical

Thanks for sharing with us, that's a very informative post. Will check it out.

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those stickers :O