Who will be the First Trillionaire in The World?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

There was speculations that Jeff Bezos could be the first by 2042 but if things go they way they are we may see someone else on horizon and way sooner.

His name is Satoshi Nakamoto!

Its said that he owns between 1,1-2,2 millions of BTCs. Mostly people believe the exact number he holds (that can be traced to him) is 1148800 BTC.

So the minimum stash of Satoshi is worth now..

And this is how trillions looks in bills.

Current Markets

Satoshi Nakamoto

We dont know who that is but imho its one person. Such secret would already be out if more than 1 person was in the team. As quote from tv show says "two can keep a secret if one of them is dead". The problem is more complicated though but the post is not about tryign to find Satoshi (there could be a book made of all hints and interesting connections) so i will leave it like that. Of course you guys can speculate in comments.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of http://fuk.io blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!

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However you did not include bitcoin cash worth and bitcoin gold worth

You are referring to the fact that he also will have received equal number of all the hard forked crypto coins. Good point.

BCC = 1148800 x 627USD = 720,297,600 USD
BTG = 1148800 x 142.22 = 163,382,336 USD
Bitcoin hard fork from the Segwit2 coming this month...

Not at all chump change:)

I did more math and gave the total money in my post= https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@sames/determining-satoshi-nakamoto-new-net-worth
He/she is worth 8 billion right now :)

Satoshi is on vacation now and enjoying the harvest of his creation. He is the God of crypto.

What about Vitalik? I don't know how much share of ethereum he has.

Vitalik's wallet has about 400K ether in it.

He (if it is a 'he' and one person) might be dead all these years, which is why he never revealed himself.

Bitcoin top

Arnt the rothschilds trillionaires?

its about 1 man officialy, im sure there might be trillionaires but not with official money taht got taxed ;)

Yes, the Rothschilds own trillions of dollars (assets included), but us plebs aren't privy to that type of information ;)

I bet the Rothschilds aren’t far away. Cheers

I heard the Finding Bigfoot guys are moving on to Finding Satoshi lol


 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

I hope, at some point, we find out who it is and he comes out with a book or movie or something. Some of the biggest pieces of information on the history and formation of this beautiful currency will be forever hidden if the creator never steps forward. I understand reasoning behind it, but years down the road a lot of the factors keeping him from coming forward will no longer be issues. Or so I hope. Salute Satoshi Nakamoto.

I think that he prefers to live anonymously rather than die famous.

True. My desire for him to come forward is completely selfish. I would just like to know exactly how the story began. We can talk to people who were in communication with Satoshi, but the most accurate information and answers to certain questions can only come from the brain behind it all.

I believe we will never know the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto and it will forever be a mystery who it is. I kind of hope it stays a mystery..

Crazy someone created a revolution and doesn't take any credit for that
Thanks for sharing

He took 1M bitcoin

yeah i guess so but where is all his bitcoin?

On the blockchain ;)

I mean can you show me the address and the transactions?

550k bitcoins, yeah probably satoshit, thanks for sharing the article

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I think many speculate that Satoshi burned up the private keys for lots of his Bitcoins.

It's a profound realization that if he ever moved any of his bitcoins or made an attempt to sell even 0.00000001 BTC (one satoshi!) Bitcoin's price would likely plummet.

For a person so rich in such a transparent currency, anonymity is the only way out. Then there are those who suggest Satoshi is an alien

It's unlikely that only one person was engaged in this bitcoin paper....do you see any one person creating any of these 1,000 cryptos that's also a success (let alone revolutionary)?
It could also be CIA, NSA, etc but hope not!

And I keep wondering how your posts make this much money... I mean.. They aren't bad/garbage at all, but I wouldn't see them at $100+

Father of cryptocurrency: Satoshi Nakamoto
Father of Steem: @ned

I know who he is......

But, I won't tell. :D

Sanjay's last post, as FBI, CIA, and NSA descend upon his home....

I just made 2 more. :)

Wow, that's cool :)

That would probably be me, if I have some luck and some of these thousands of microcryptos I own ever skyrocket in price, then Yes, I very well may be on the cover of Forbes, as the world's richest man,

or entitled,


Probably will not be Bitcoin though. Its rare pioneers make it, it settlers who thrive. Settlers learn from the pioneers mistakes and have no choice but to improve. Myspace then Facebook. Yahoo then Google. I expect Bitcoin will be like the latter. Is not going away but will be over thrown by a settler who made all the right improvements.

I believe in Dash

Yeah me too. Dash along with a few others will rival Bitcoin in future. Dash solves the three pillars of Crypto. Governance, Scalability, Incentives. I am predicting Dash to be worth $2000 per next June.

wow look at the Bitcoin prices
we know started from bottom now we here

Marcin Mroczek = Satoshi Nakamoto (confirmed)

Sure that Not me !!!

that should be me, i strongly believe anything is possible

Thanks for updating!

Thanks For Share This Info.

Oh man...
I was secretly hoping that you were a psychic and you would predict @gonzo as the first trillionaire.

I might try to rearrange my portfolio before your next prediction to see if anything changes.

wah this is good storage for the fore.

Great post and interesting comparison.

I'm not sure about the playing field being that level ATM.
I mean yesterday I'm reading that twitter lost $10 billion over the last 10 yrs yet the big names in that area are "rich" & wealthy.

I think the new crop of 'rich' people will be those who are creative (eg steemians) , entrepreneurial (BTC type investors) or just tech savy (app creators) .

But the "elitist" culture is fading fast IMHO.
A new world dawns.

The satoshi is improving all day, nothing impossible if 5years ago the value can reach 1trillion

An appropriate step, bold and measurable in investing, not just speculate, congratulations for Satoshi Nakamoto.
Proven infestation in Bitcoin is not just a dream

Terrific Jeffrey Preston Bezos, CEO of Amazon.com. A very good estimate for him in the year 2042.

So it is safe to say that Satoshi Nakamoto is the God Father of Bitcoin.

A trillion dollars would be nice!! You could change the world with that!

Obviously it's me.

Haha, that was a perfect reply. Sadly no worth in votes :(

I wish i knew him.

Wow. i hope he can use some of his stash to help the hungers around the world.

ood post

what is that ?

A bad copy and paste

He bought some pizzas years ago with that bitcoins, he has nothing.

Satoshi Nakamoto will become Trillionaire and we would become Millionaires !!! Cheers !!!

There is already a trillionare in the world , in fact him and his family are worth the whole worlds debt plus more . They are said to have contril of around 500 trillion to be more precise . Forbes magixune will never tell us who the most rich person on earth is , because ; this fella and his family own their asses too . We dont need to name names here , but ; i hope ya'll know who im talking about . This is the reason that cryptos are so important for all of us little guys to get ahold of , its the only way we can combat the inequality in our world . Thanks for posting , great post , and long live the king ☺

Dave Kleiman was Satoshi Nakamoto and he is dead.

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Bitcoin has no stopping, it already shifted to top gear. 10000 USD coming !!!

Satoshi Nakamoto is mysterious man which will never come or reveal in future!.

Well he definitely did something right but i bet he didn't think in a million years it would ever get to the price its at now upvoted @tazbaz and resteemed

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