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RE: Warning: DASH privacy is worse than Bitcoin

in #bitcoin9 years ago

DASH aka Darkcoin, with a twisted sense of opensource, tried to "buy", "shutdown" and bully the original Dashcoin (DSH) and its community ( The coin runs solely on marketing, propaganda and censorship (~~~ embed:Monero/comments/4sqhe4/im_banned_at_rdashpay_so_posting_this_here_for/) to make up for its flaws and lure unsuspecting investors ( reddit metadata:fE1vbmVyb3xodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3IvTW9uZXJvL2NvbW1lbnRzLzRzcWhlNC9pbV9iYW5uZWRfYXRfcmRhc2hwYXlfc29fcG9zdGluZ190aGlzX2hlcmVfZm9yLykgdG8gbWFrZSB1cCBmb3IgaXRzIGZsYXdzIGFuZCBsdXJlIHVuc3VzcGVjdGluZyBpbnZlc3RvcnMgKGh0dHBzOi8vYXJjaGl2ZS5pcy9UVXRabyl8 ~~~

tl;dr stay away from DASH/Darkcoin.