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RE: RIPPLE (XRP): Don't Confuse the Trees for the Forest!! Target $4.11!!!

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I'm doing what I can to clean up @nijeah's spam. There's a little gray flag to the upper-right of each comment. Click that, then move the slider to determine the percentage to downvote/flag, then click the "Flag" button.

This will move all of those identical comments that he has written a spam script to produce, to the bottom of the comments, so that the other comments will be readable. I counted over 500 of these identical spam comments -- he must have written that script he talked about writing.

This is an intentional within-Steemit attack to make participation in @haejin's blog less effective.

He admitted to wanting to produce that script in a comment on a post of mine.

He admitted to violating federal law by attacking a web site that is on a shared server, also taking out the other sites on that shared server:

I'm still spending my time and resources responding to his attacks. Which is fine, each attack is a separate felony.



Who you referring to?
Is this the guy who took down your website?


Also mute the spammers helps.

Thank you so much for doing this.