Analysis of block chain six points method of the project

in #bitcoin6 years ago

 I now invest in projects will do a research report by myself. The following are the six aspects that my investment project will focus on: industry, product, team, certificate, community, and management

I. industry

First of all, this aspect should pay attention to the analysis of whether the industry selected by the project can better solve the existing problems by using blockchain technology, and whether the decentralization, disclosure of accounting books, non-tampering, traceability and consensus rule mechanism of blockchain can improve efficiency and provide one-time energy for the original industry.

Next, want to see the white paper on the project ever will you how to use block chain technology, to modify and attached to the project selected by the industry, to speak out their own advantage, at least in are logically self-consistent and can stand the test, there is a simple judgment standard is: white paper is written in simple, clear, has according to.

To be honest, a lot of projects just come to rub off on the heat, or even directly to cheat money, I have heard of the cow X chain, leek chain, tender X coin and so on before, just listening to the name feel that it is literally insulting their intelligence.

Ii. Products

The development schedule of existing projects, as well as the product prototype and product roadmap that can be experienced, and products previously in the industry are all elements that should be included in the evaluation system.

Whether the product roadmap design is reasonable or not can be used to measure the possibility of the project landing. If it is a project that already has a landing product, of course, it will be a bonus. Now I will avoid some projects that blow the concept as long as I see them. For example, a team that has never appeared in this circle suddenly claims that it wants to make a public chain, to surpass ETH and crush EOS. This project will be seen automatically away from the MLM taste too strong

Iii. Team

Here I share my own subjective judgment, if the project is the core of the members in the project before the selected industry did not deep, I usually to demote project, is not to say that no project feasibility, just tell from the probability, using new technology in the field of unfamiliar to create the success probability of, certainly be Billy to remake with unfamiliar technology in the field of familiar low success probability.

Before I'm in EOS when nothing is done, is because the chain of BM in block industry had two so far is still running in the project, this is the signboard of the industry, as everyone is feeling the stones across the river, when a person has been touched in the river walk out, you can enlarge your trust in his threshold.

Of course, it would be a plus if the members of the team had worked both in the industry to be integrated and in the blockchain circle for a long time.

Four, the

The Token sent by the project was called Token, but it was later translated by meng yan into pass certificate, which has a broader meaning and is more accurate. The main points are as follows:

1, how allocation proportion of team, foundation, angel investors, community building, marketing, etc., if the community and incentive allocation is high, is I appreciate, if the distribution proportion of more than 30%, the team I will be more vigilant, card team and foundation to hold too many blocks will have the risk of selling.

2. Whether there is a lock period for the team's share of the pass certificate, the best one should be locked for more than one year, and then it will be released in a linear manner every year, which can not only guarantee the team's enthusiasm, but also won't cause the team's fickleness due to the sharp rise in the coin price.

3. The certificate is not the only one in the ecology that will not conduct private placement for many times. I have seen some projects that actually indicate that the certificate is not necessarily the only one to use the certificate

Five, the community

This is very important. Blockchain itself is a kind of technology that enables communities and ordinary people. Decentralization is to transfer the power originally decided and exercised by the center to community co-governance and maintenance.

But it is also a lot of the pain points of the project, because the government the high pressure attitude towards virtual currency monetary power, let a lot of people did not dare to come in from the outer circle, so the circle the number of users has been stable in a small range, all projects in the ladle the water in the pool, the inevitable result is that you want to don't have much water.

However, if a project is operated for more than one year, you will only see a few users in its various media and groups, and you can generally judge that the feasibility of the project is not high, because it is not recognized by the market.

Sixth, the management

Here is primarily concerned with the investors take part in the project, we, as professional investors, judgment model and analysis framework flatly cannot be compared to professional investment institutions, so the best way is to refer to their choice, sometimes they will according to the project to make their own investment analysis report, if you want to invest in the project must be used to look at.

Here are a few of the more well-known investment institutions within the circle: INB, node, connection, Hashed, wanxiang.

This is the method of analyzing the project I Shared. On the basis of this method, I made my own rating and rating of the project, which is helpful for me to quickly identify the investment portfolio in the future.
