Cleaning Up the Bitcoin Wreckage Price Point 20,300

in #bitcoin2 years ago


I've been following bitcoin price pretty closely lately and 20,300 feels like the magic number of what it's worth. However, one time we came back to 20300 and at the snap of the fingers that number meant nothing.

Here is the Death Toll so Far:

Celsius Exchange/Lender
Blockfi (being bailed out or acquired by FTX)
Bitcoin Miners feeling the Heat

Uncertainty and Fear
Raising interest rates, we'll most likely see a .75 point raise next meeting(FEDs)
Ukraine War

I'm curious about opinions on what happens immediately after the fed meeting to price. I have not seen them live but my guess is Powell is sugar coating it and people eat that up.

I see us in a top of 20,600 and a psychological bottom of 20,000
That doesn't mean some sudden break out is just around the corner positive or negative

A sudden break down could hit us but I think any price under 20,000 is a good deal right now. Long term I'm bullish.

I'm never a financial advisor but I'll call it like I see it



I hope you are right. It feels like a full blown recession is coming though.

I don't think the feds will allow that to happen. If too much trouble comes they'll back off the interest rates.

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