Looks like $12,000 is the barrier for Bit Coin

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Looks like $12,000 is the Barrier for Bit Coin

Its back $11,000 today as you can see

Looks like the price is having trouble break through the $12,000

It appears to be a big barrier at the minute for Bit Coin

I think will take a bit of time to get over

We are still in the sell off phrase of the market

New money which is needed is not coming in as quick as it did last year

For me the money is flowing as it did last year

It will come back but at the minute its not

Just hold out for a bit until it does

Let Me know your thoughts and follow and comment Thanks


I think bitcoin rate 12k+ in 10 days

Yes it is a barrier for bitcoin this time but i have confidence in bitcoin that surely itvwill cross this 11000$ barrier as it happens earlier too..

When bitcoin start to rise then each wall seem like made up of sand so don't worry lets wait and see...

Thanks for sharing cryptocurrency update providing.
I appreciate your every post.

i think it arise day by day. thanks for sharing.

Certainly you write a lot of things. After your writing, we got to know a lot about Bitcoin.

i think in last week of this month bitcoin will rise 12k+...😎

Maybe it will just be stuck here forever

Wow !!!!!!!!!!
Bad news for bitcoin collector but no mater..
Bitcoin and other digital currencies have always been
volatile, so a big daily drop is not unusual.

Wow amazing post...thanks for sharing

soon it will be up...bitcoin prize....

Why is sbd not growing? If I increase sbd, it will be more beneficial.

Very good information my freinds...
Nice post..
IM upvote and resteem your post

soon bitcoin will cross 12000$ and will go beyond

I believe it will increase at the end of this year 👍

So it's my friend @newmaket65, I agree with you, for the moment it's still there and does not want to go up, but I know that at any moment it will rise to where we all want, it's just a matter of waiting. Bitcoin is having a 12k rate in 10 or 12 days.

i think bitcoin rate 14k in 20 days ago

The btc volume has weakened, it looks like we will need a positive price catalyst to get things going again. Still feel bullish over the medium-term.

Looks like as soon as bitcoin is going near 12k, there are some people who are selling their holdings thus causing the price crash back to 11k or 12k. looks like they are purposefully causing this kind of crash.

I think all depends on goverment movements, because at this moment many countries are trying to regulate crypto :) But im my opinion sooner or later it will be again 12k, 15k, 20k usd.

Wow emaizing boy

well information in bitcoin keep it up