Tesla Stonks!

in #bitcoin3 years ago (edited)

Lithium mining anyone?

Did Mr. E. Musk yield under pressure of a 'Climate Change' lobby?

Global Warming, is not a buzzword anymore

Do you remember the time when the earth was supposed to warm up alarmingly fast? 'Global Warming' it was called back in them days. Do not know how about where you live, but here in the Northern Hemisphere it has been quite the opposite. April 2021, one of the coldest in my lifetime that I can remember. Also, the natural gas-bill tells me so. Since 2014 the largest part of Nederland was supposed to be covered with seawater. Guess I am like a Dolphin now, or I am at least able to breathe under water. Use the laptop I type this publication with under salty water. Well, stranger things have happened right? There was this Mr. A. Gore (the surname might have warned us up front) claiming the end of the world in a horror documentary. Lots of kids had to watch it in school, breeding the next line of the 'Climate Change' army. But back then it was called 'Global Warming' of course.

"SOUND THE ALARM, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE...!!!", that is such a nice message to hand over to little kids. Adults whining about how their generation fucked up the world for the next generations to come. Scare mongering the young generation every freaking day. "We were promised a damned 'Global Warming', now where the fuck is it...!?" In the meantime some crazy ueber rich guy wants to shoot chalk powder in the atmosphere. To block sunlight from entering, creating a cool down of our planet. Wait a minute, wasn't it already called 'Climate Change'? Guess some of these psycho rich guys want to be 'right' no matter what the cost. Geo-engineering the planet, temperature drops and hey presto: "See, we warned you: Climate Change!" Now all we have to do is sit back and watch their sycophants claim some virus is being caused to spread because of it. So, keep watching that TV, ya'll hear! Stay inside, do not go outside, it is dangerous there, with that fresh air an all. The sunlight might even give you vitamine D! And we all know how useless that is for our body. It even might build one a stronger immune-system. Which could cause a global herd immunity, very dangerous that! Only an experimental mRNA injection can save us now...

Let Bitcoin warm up the earth!

Cryptocurrencies have been under attack ever since it gained popularity. First it was ignored, then it was laughed at and now it is getting framed, while more people join in. One of the wildest spins was the claim that Bitcoin mining would warm up the earth by 2 degrees Celsius. While mining has clearly intensified over the last couple of years the 'Global Warming' disaster was clearly debunked. No alarming rise of sea-water levels. Ice melting might even cause lowering of that level, because ice takes up way more volume than its fluid form, also known as water. (Would not be surprised if it stayed about leveled.) Also Bitcoin miners failed to warm up the earth, not even the slightest bit. For some odd reason there seems to be a believe that mining BTC takes up all of the worlds energy!? Yet, it is about 0.6%, therefore one might ask, what the hell is using 99.4% of all the energy produced in the world. How about Electrical Vehicles, for instance, like say eurm, a Tesla? All them batteries charged with 'green' / 'renewable' energy? Yeah right, the Power Grid of the United States of America only gets 20% of its energy from 'green' or 'renewable' sources. Somebody told me this, looked it up on a Smart Phone that needs to be recharged once a day. Luckily not every human on earth has got one, imagine the total energy that drains from all the resources.

The issue is that part of the Hominini earthlings are using more and more electricity. Sure, why not start driving Electrical Vehicles, the charging comes like magic out off a box in the wall. Do not think about how it gets there, just buy that freaking Tesla and show people how you care about the earth and all that is living! (If you do not get cynicism, irony and satire, you probably do not get what this is all about.) Oh, but look there BITCOIN mining is using 0.6% percent of the energy produced on earth! WE'RE DOOMED, DOOOOOOOMED! Sure the banking system does not use any electricity, nor will their digital money, they do all that by manual labor. Lots of future jobs there. A banking office on every corner of the street with very helpful people working there. "What do you mean they are all closing down, what kind of service is that? Do you know how much I pay them each month for their services!?" Yes, I know, I was acting cynical there, again. And I even have not gotten to the part about Lithium mining. Which makes every Tesla a driving environmental threat, an eco disaster time-bomb. But hey people, look there, BITCOIN MINING destroys the earth! Sigh... Yeah, sure, why don't you try and pull the other one.

The economical incentive to go 'renewable'

It has been estimated that Bitcoin {BTC} miners use between 39 and 73% renewable / green energy by the way. From an economical incentive point of view it pays to have close to zero costs mining BTC. Especially since the every four year block reward halving does not double the Bitcoin price. Although BTC has and will become more and more valuable over time, it has not yet reached its full potential, I think. Which will be at least one million USA Dollar per Bitcoin {BTC}. Meaning at that point 1 Satoshi will have become one cent USA Dollar. This could take a couple of more years. But at the rate Dollars get created out of nothing currently, things might speed up quickly. So I get it why Mr. E. Musk and his company Tesla are keeping their BTC {Bitcoin}, they've actually turned into HODLrs! Of course the biased main stream media tried to spin this into a different direction. Another attempt to kill Bitcoin and the rest of all the other Cryptocurrencies out there. But what does not kill you will only make you stronger, right?

There have been many value drops of 20 to 30% by the way. But when it is being presented in BIG numbers it looks way more dramatic. Even a 30 percent down from the BTC 64K All-Time-High has not been reached. And after such a drawback it could stick around a 20 percent drop level for a while. Yet I am convinced a new bull run will come soon. Surely after more people start to understand how prices have gone up dramatically. Because of all the endless money 'printing'. It infected the global economy like an inflationary virus. (Pun intended.) No interest on saving accounts either. And I believe Mr. E. Musk and the Tesla company also expect BTC to go up way higher. Maybe there was pressure from the 'Climate Change' lobby, or mob, who knows. But every Tesla car uses 17 Kilogram of Lithium in its batteries and I do not think that it would help rise sales if word got out about how that gets mined. How China controls its market and how damaging it is for the environment. A danger to all living and breathing creatures. So the idea of 'saving earth and all living on it' by driving an Electrical Vehicle is total and utter crap claim. And while environmental damaging and water poisoning Lithium mining increases, Bitcoin miners look for cheaper ways to mine BTC. For instance by using renewable and green energy.

0.6% And mostly green / renewable?

That is the economical incentive for Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency miners. Cutting costs, means more profit. Mining hardware that is more effective, meaning burning less Watts of Power, to do the same amount or more calculations per second. Installing solar-cells and windmills, using the heat coming from the hardware to create energy with piezo technology or to warm a room. There are many ways Cryptocurrency miners will become more innovative than other industries. Simply because the cutting the costs and rising the efficiency will result in a higher return on investment. And the other positive side of it all is that Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency miners can state they are environment friendly innovaters and it pays them in a gain in return on investment. There is a win-win situation there. While the so called Electric Vehicles struggle with having Lithium based batteries inside, very environment unfriendly and dangerous to all life on earth. And they charge from the socket in the wall, that gets its electricity from the power grid only containing 20 percent green / renewable energy. (In the USA, that is.)

But hey, we've been here before, another attack on Cryptocurrencies, that got started with Bitcoin {BTC} and so far it only resulted in a little setback. A short while ago the Cryptocurrency market was worth a smashing 2.5 Trillion USA Dollar. Now it is 'only' 2.3, a drop of about 8 percent, so things are only half as bad. Therefore I think it is a wise choice that Mr. E. Musk and his Tesla company keep the BTC they bought, until Bitcoin runs completely on cost free renewable energy. Because that will be the economical incentive for the blockchain cryptocurrency industry and I think it will get there faster than any other. Even if it is just at 39% renewable energy currently, that is already about double the amount of the Power Grid of the United States of America. How about that Mr. Musk: Tesla Stonks? Well, I would state: "HODL those BTC!"

May the Cryptos be with us!

Some interesting reads:

The environmental impact of Lithium batteries:

How much energy does Bitcoin actually consume: