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RE: r/bitcoin has gone full North Corea

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Imagine a Bitcoin revolution inside North Korea. I find this idea fascinating, of some underground people starting spreading Bitcoin around. The problem is they just have some sort of intranet.. so how would we be able to start spreading nodes inside North Korea? This would be great to start an underground economy beyond the dictatorship of that fat dude. Most of north korea struggle to even have a consistent electrical supply, the chances of them having an internet connection thats not monitored and not behind a firewall is minimal. thats assuming they would even have internet which is very unlikely . If nkorea had internet then every north korean would know the truth about their glorious leader. I honestly dont even think anyone other than goverment officials would have mobile phones their. All in all north korea is probably the only country in the world that wont have any bitcoin in the future unless there is a massive change in power.


With all the sanctions on North Korea I wouldn't be surprised if their government is using it.

A good amount of them know the truth, but decide they would rather not be tortured.