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RE: Bitcoin is 'noxious poison' and honey badger don't care

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Hi Max,
I wanted to hear your take on Jim Rickards COINN formula. He claims that 99% of crypto fail to pass his strict criteria and are obviuosly ''scams''.

''C * Consensus – The user base lends credibility, like the way Google ranks search results

O * Open Source – Cannot be controlled by the government

I * Impenetrable – Cannot be hijacked with tricks like “51% attacks,” “gatekeeper attacks,” and “Sybil attacks”

N * No-Nonsense Governance — Must be efficient and not get bogged down by “work”

N * Nimble — Fast, easy, cheap payments processing

Tomorrow I’ll show you how bitcoin failed the COINN test.''

What do you think of his COINN criteria?

p.s. tonight Jim unveils his crypto recommendation. Drum roll!