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RE: r/bitcoin has gone full North Corea

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I've nearly given up in reddit as a whole especially r/bitcoin. I still have my account and I do pop on there but that used to be my main platform and now there are days in a row that I don't get on reddit. Steemit has consumed my Internet time but in a good way. Love being here so far and not dealing with a lot of the bad that comes with the exponentially larger user base on reddit.


I don't blame you. I was banned from 3 subreddits before I finally decided to call it quits on the site altogether.

Lol, r/literature banned me for posting a literary link roundup I'd published on my site.

They didn't remove the post, they didn't give me a warning, they didn't suspend my access to the subreddit; they banned my account for life and reported my site's url. Oh, and the post itself had recieved around 50 upvotes before they did that. :)

I've written a post on the late, great Chuck Berry's music. It's pretty musical. :)

For now..... remember all the bots lurking around in steemit. There's no policy to regulate them... could downvote you anytime anywhere. Soon there might be bots marching through steemit. I wonder if there's any counter bots out there. We need robocops???