23 trillion reasons why Bitcoin is heading to +$1,000,000.!!

in #bitcoin5 years ago

+$1,000,000 #Bitcoin?


+$1,000,000 #Bitcoin?

23 trillion reasons why #Bitcoin is heading to +$1,000,000..!!

+$1,000,000 #Bitcoin?

You can be pretty damn sure it's heading to +$1,000,000.!!

Thanks again for reading.



That´s a lot of reasons and it´s only a matter of time for those reasons to bust and get know and spread to the people!

Wow that's a really lame screen shot; you need to get a bigger more HD monitor! ;-) Cool animation on the site itself but BTc is actually mostly owned by CH now, and with riots in HK, you might want to check your fact as to WHAT will actually drive the BTc price, what its comptitors will be, why and how long will it take for them to take the stage and compete in the marketcap..

Besides cryptos, one should also owns physical gold and silver, and cash as well.