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RE: "Governments will ban Cryptocurrencies." Seriously? Who believes this garbage and verbal diarrhoea that is being pushed out? It's time to grab my cornflakes again..!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

"This guy is obviously lying through his teeth about the current nature of national currencies." It amazes me to see how many adults still believe all this garbage that they are being told. Anyone with half a brain can tell the guy is lying. I thought I would share this particular interview as he has taken the "Mainstream Bollox" to a whole new level. The higher this crap has to be taken, the harder the fall will be when it happens..... and it will. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Mr Dimon would also sit there and convince people that Steel, Concrete and Asbestos buildings can simply disappear into dust..!! Thanks for the excellent contribution you continually offer to Steemit. A real true asset to the Community. Stephen