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RE: Lightning Strikes! Why Bitcoin is STILL a Bubble

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

I've always appreciated and shared your skepticism about crypto valuations but you always make the same point - overvalued, overvalued, overvalued. Your videos contain incredulity with how much money there is in this young tech, and also betrays a incredulity with yourself being invested also, which is like listening to your arguments with yourself. Its therapeutic for the people watching your videos (like myself). This is my long-winded way of thanking you for your videos!

The market is volatile precisely because it is trying to find out the true value of crypto - and i think it actually won't come to a conclusion until we move from potential use-cases to actual use-cases. My guess is that the market will not wise-up about current valuations of 'premature' tech, but rather will only sober when actual use-cases are realized. Which means this is far away. Far, far away.