BTC goals

in #bitcoin2 years ago


People are always asking me how much BTC they should own or buy, the amount changes every cycle, but currently these are the goals I recommend to anyone who does not own any bitcoin:

  • The most obvious goal is to own at least 1 BTC, but this is often out of many peoples reach, especially if they are new to the space

  • If 1 BTC is not an option then i recommend people strive for .25 ; this is both obtainable for most people with some effort and allows the person to experience the long term growth of BTC over the years.

  • If .25 is not possible, the next amount I recommend is .1 ; this would be the 'toe dipping' amount.

  • If .1 BTC is not possible, then anything above zero is going to be what I recommend

These amounts change every cycle as the prices rises; but this is what I currently tell people to strive for...

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