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RE: Religion and bitcoin. Both have believers. Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, gold, or a fistful of dollars all have believers.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Thanks @swissclive I want to make a small point about bitcoin but i will come back to that later. Some background first. I have recently bought into the cryptocurrency idea. Actually it was getting on to steemit that was the driver.

Three things came together to open up the idea.

I received a congratulation from Google that my photo on GoogleMaps had been viewed 43000 times. I checked my other photos and several had over 20000 views. My photos were clearly valuable to Google.

I saw a youtube post about Facebook. Why has a non-producing organisation have a market captalisation of nearly 500 billion dollars? That values the information from each "member" at around 20 dollars of which I didn't receive anything except the joy of using their platform.

So I was receptive to the "get paid to post" claims for steemit.

Consequently I read up on cryptocurrency and bitcoin and have bought a small stake.

I think one of the risks that people discount with bitcoin is the "can't shut down the internet". Unfortunately that is not true. I lived in Egypt during the revolution in 2011 and the first thing that happened was the Egyptian Government shut down the ISPs and switched off the mobile networks.

In the company I worked with, we tried to use satellite communications but that was unreliable and difficult to maintain.

Governments do have ways of breaking the system. At least you still can have the wallet somewhere though you might not get to access it.

In any case my bitcoin strategy is to pound cost average with a small amount and hodl as you mention.

At the moment it's an upwards elevator. we shall see.