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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Morning Update: Wedge Pattern is Still In Play!

in #bitcoin6 years ago

So you're asking to be less informed, more confident, and more likely to be wrong? All while usurping your own power to a mysterious figure on the internet? To make you feel less insecure about your situation?

We all wish that it worked this way, but what you're getting here is the cream of the crop analysis, just as an analyst would do it for himself, and a look at how the sausage is really made so that you can make your own informed decisions on a hair trigger when the market signals which way it will move. This is the best format you'll find this information in, with nuance and probability, and becoming more detailed with more possibilities every day.

If anyone gives you information in the format you're asking for, run. Because they have hamfisted various values into 2 or 3 key numbers to spoon feed you, when the reality is much more complicated and if they are worth listening to they will already realize that.


Well said!!!

I think he (@thealchemist1234) was saying it tongue in cheek - as in "stop giving us different pathways, we know you know the future, just tell us the real outcome" ...

Then it would be a great joke that flew right over my head. :D thanks