Why Bitcoin can be revolutionary step for modern world politics?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

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Yes, you read right. In my opinion, Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies can be revolutionary. But why? After 70s Hafez al-Assad was support suicide bombing for defeat US army. After that this method had a popularity. And after almost 30 years later this method destroy Syria. But this kind a little history lesson how can be relevant with Bitcoin? Well, whole Middle East political games was be relevant USD, money, oil and power of states. Not about people or civilians. States are fighting for nothing.

Maybe it seem so optimistic shit but I'm supporting "the state for civilians" not "the state for the state". So, skill of mintage always was belong states. That still make them powerful. That skill make a reason them for start a war. But Bitcoin and all cryptocurrencies are decentralize. They are not belong states at least for now. So, with Bitcoin we can take skill of mintage from states and we can create a new world system. We can vote with blockchain, we can sell our house with blockchain, we can shop with blockchain. We can change all systems with blockchain. Bitcoin is first step for changing modern world politics.