.VERY IMPORTANT message about #Bitcoin

in #bitcoin6 years ago

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Example, if bitcoin drops even to $8k or $6k levels, you do not panic sell any of your Bitcoin or Altcoins, because, when bitcoin is done with its downtrend, Altcoins will rise.

And when Altcoins rise, your Bitcoin will get double/triple. This way you'll have more Bitcoins in coming weeks/months. Then again, Bitcoin price will Rise. So you'll be in huge profits.

Remember, Stock Trading and Crypto Trading should be done with INTELLIGENCE, Smart Mind, Wise Thinking and NOT with Emotions or Distress.

We are bullish on Bitcoin & Altcoins and we are not selling any of our coins.

Do not believe in Rumors.

Beware of MEDIA fud MEDIA always talk negative about Bitcoin for their own TRPs.

Forward this message to your friends and groups, Help spread the Genuine Knowledge & Understanding of Crypto.

If you do not help crypto community who will?


Bitcoin will find its legs in mid-late February like it does every year, but how low will it go first? I'm buying in big at about $7,000 or ETH if it goes under $750.

I will wait for it to bottom and when it starts coming back, I will be buyer. I want to see interest in bitcoin. If not I will keep investing in blockchain related stocks.

I think you will get a chance to buy ethereum at 711 area, or less. atm maybe a short term buy 711 on a retrace. Capture.PNG

Thanks for the information and the follow :D see yaaa <3

If people pay too much attention to the mass media, they will sell all their cryptocurrencies. However, if people stay away from media bias, they will enjoy the fruits of holding on to their cryptocurrencies. Why would someone sell their bitcoin holdings because the price went down? But this is exactly what some weak investors are doing. They are just giving their money away to the Market Genie who continues to gobble up cheep bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. Be wise my fellow steemians and hold onto your investment, don't let the mass media scares you into selling your bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency you might have.

Thanks for the info and follow up, i really do appreciate

Big up!!

Great message to the crypto community!!
Thanks for spread positive messages to us all!!
Much peace and love, that is all we need in our earthlife these days!

I think a down will bring many new investors

"Do not believe in Rumors"
I won't , thank you.

Greetings from Venezuela!

Muy importante tu post . sobre el bitcoin .saludos.

incredible information.
I have vote, vote back yes friend.

i love bitcoin.

I just got into the crypto world back in November and I'm not ready for this ride to end, let's all hope things turn around!

Thank a lot

Thanks a lot for this. I hope bitcoin will rise again before February ending

wow very nice :))

i’m 100% with you. Everyone should stick in own mind trading is just the visible part of crypto iceberg. What is underneath is far more valuable.

Thanks for the info. I think this a great time for new investors and lots of profits. I will not sell, I will buy more and I will HODL

A drop is good every once in a while.
Anyways some of the faucets are based on $200 of #BTC so the deeper the dip the more #BTC you get to HODL till it returns.

True. Panic selling isn't going to help at all. If anything, when there is such a low, ideally, we should look forward to investing in it rather than pulling your money out. I'd be watching to see what lows it would hit and then take a certain decision to make some sort of investment into it.

This point of time, I understand, due to the Chinese New Year, which I guess falls on 02/16, cryptos have always been low. It is going to bounce back very soon. So yeah, muster some courage and buy some BTCs if you can :)

Timely information, thank you for enlightening us.

Sell sell sell!!! (so I can buy 🤓🤓🤓)