Useful Material You May Pass Along to Audiences Interested in Starting to Invest in Crypto-Currency

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Hello, fellow Steemians! Recent schoolwork has compelled me (i.e., Diaphora Media) to produce a DITA architecture for "Insight Green," a local firm with some interest in financial technologies. Included in these files are instructions for creating accounts on Coinbase, Poloniex, and how to perform exchanges between these accounts.

So, if you have a friend far away who has encountered some trouble getting started, and you aren't there to help them through it, maybe the PDF outputs from the DITA located in my project's repository will help. (Ignore the .docx files, they're just nonsense I throw together for the sake of meeting the assignment's requirements.)

Obligatory image so that this post might catch someone's eye in their feed:


("Oh, quit complaining.")


Ciao for now,
