Should I sell Bitshares? | EOSFinex

in #bitshares6 years ago

Just wondering whether you guys think it’s even worth holding bitshares. EOSFinex/any other DEX running on EOS should technically destroy Bitshares. No doubt EOSFinex will be a great exchange just due to the money they can put behind it as well.

I’m considering selling all BTS and I’m about to.


It depends on your strategy tbh. I personally don't buy anything I will not hold for a year (mostly due to taxes) - Good luck!

Lol what.

They are two different things.

Do you like magic? I do.

The difference is — Eosfinex will be the suit and tie of the industry and bts will be the frontier spaceship.

You feel me bro?

Other way around. Bitshares is currently using much older technology which is slower and more expensive for users.

Eosfinex will be death star. BTS millennium falcon. You feel me bro?

No. BTS had years to be the millennium falcon yet only handles like a million in trading volume. Doesn't seem like it's going anywhere :P

We will see :D good luck for bitfinex as they switch to new horizons i wish them well :)

Yep :) 1 of many to be built on EOS.

I wonder whether or not BTS will also move to EOS or will adopt the eosio software for it's own blockchain. That's been a rumour since eos started

Yeah, the reality is that "ANYONE" can make it, but the community has a lot of love for the old project. It will be interesting to see if BTS squanders away and maintains relevance independently or on eos.

I don't think BTS had much relevance in the first place.

If an Bitshares like platform is built on eos with 0 fees - then it will be pretty good :)

And maybe eosfinex will use bitusd u know man. Bcuz probably way more stable than a centralized tether service u feel me bro

Don't think so - since bitfinex are behind tether.

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