Bitxoxo Risk Review

in #bitxoxo6 years ago


In modern era right now, we can choose many of investments program that we like depending on our target and wish. Cryptocurrency investment become in the top of choice because the cryptocurrency return investment is very high. We can double our profit or more just in short time. This type investment will be growing in the future with no doubt. The best choice of crypto investment is joining in ico because what we need as investor is buying the asset in low or cheap price, so from joining ico we will get that goal to get cheap price. Potential to get profit while we buy in cheap is very much bigger after listing in exchange.

Talking about profit or return will always involve with risk. We all know there is no investment in the world with zero risk as well as crypto. Even crypto investment has very high risk. What we can do is only doing a good research about the ico project to reduce the risk of investment. After doing good research about project, i found good promising project with really interesting idea. In my opinion, this project can be very successfully in the next future. the project called "Bitxoxo". How risky is it? So lets start discuss about this project.

What is Bitxoxo?

As we know there are so many exchange in all over the world and all have their different unique system as their advantages. Bitxoxo is the fastest growing bitcoin exchange. Bitxoxo is next generation of bitcoin exchange that help users do trading with fast and secure transaction in real time. Bitxoxo only need 0.1% fee which is very low fee and 10x faster transaction compare with others. Bitxoxo is the first exchange in India and all over the world which launch the physical bitcoin pre paid gift card. bitxoxo make sure to provide the best service to buy, sell, hold and use bitcoin in all over the world with Bitxoxo debit card. Beside that, Bitxoxo not only provide bitcoin exchange but also provide many service such as Bitxoxo gift card, trading application, debit card, ico launchpad and Bitxoxo incubator. In Q2 2019 Bitxoxo will provide BCH Pos application that can be used for daily life payment in many merchants in all the world by providing QR code. Please visit the website, ANN Thread and whitepaper and also watch the video for more information.

How Risky is Bitxoxo?

When we talk about risk, we can not 100% avoid the risk in this kind of investment since this investment is high risk high return investment type. So what we can do now if we want to join this investment? The most important thing as investor, we need to know the risk level of the project before investing in this cryptocurrency investment. Now i explain my opinion on how i evaluate Bitxoxo project. We know there are many criteria to value the investment risk, but i choose below criteria as my preference such as :

  • Team
  • Competition
  • Hype
  • Token Sale
  • promotion & Events

Lets start the explanation one by one.

  • Team
    Well, for me team is the most important thing beside the idea. without good experience team, it is impossible to make the project success. How about Bitxoxo's team? Bitxoxo has 19 experience people of team include the 9 advisors. It is not about the quantity of the team but all about the quality and experience. With 19 experience people in blockchain, i am sure the project will have success in the future. I am also so impressed with the Founder and CEO, Hesham Rehman.

Hesham has 11 years of experience in finance and technology. His passion for tech made him a self- made entrepreneur and previous founder of web development company TechSuvidha. Being an early adopter and trader of bitcoin. He is always busy in producing new ideas for development and growth in the industry. Please visit website for more information.

  • Competition
    Competition means the project should have more advantages than other project in the similar aspect to survive and become first choice among investor. To be honest, Bitxoxo is not the first project as bitcoin exchange platform but Bitxoxo has so many great future that i have explain above. i am so excited with its debit card and planning to launch BCH Pos application that will be the first feature that exchange normally have. It is just become plus value as project become the first choice among investors or users. Please visit the website to check it.

  • Hype
    This is the proof that many people are interesting into the project or not. How we check it? In my opinion, check the social media follower will be the best way. On official facebook page, it has more than 31,600 followers and in official twitter page it has more than 21,100 followers. In telegram group where the investors can ask all detail about project so the amount of member is reference for us to know whether the project attract many people or not. It has more than 13,500 members. All their official social media has not less amount and it is a proof that the hype around project is high. Bixoxo also has more than $10M trading volume and more than 100k active customers. It is plus value for new project launch the token sale.

  • Token Sale
    Token sale is also important on this section in my opinion. Bitxoxo launch xoxo token that can be bought from the website with price $2/xoxo in ico stage. Bitxoxo only need $ 27,5M as hard cap, it means the hard cap is very reasonable amount to develop the project. Unlike the other project that need more than $ 50M for hard cap and it is not reasonable amount. That is like scam project which is likely collect more money from investor for nothing. So far, the progress of token is 41% of hard cap goal has been reach. it means the soft cap has been reached.

  • Promotion & Events
    I do not want to think promotion and events are not important because without promotion nobody will know about the project. Events also show us that the project is active to attract more people and prove to people that the project is great and have future. I will not explain this section too long but i will provide the picture where the project has been promoted and there are 4 events so far in China, 2 times in Austria and Russia where the potential customer are exist. It Check the picture below, more info please visit website



Finally, again i will say crypto investment is high risk but we need to review the project to know how risk it is. i have explained all the detail above and in my opinion, Bitxoxo is low risk investment. So do not miss to join in the ico because we need to join the project in early level to get the best price. Now only 18 days left to join the token sale so just be hurry. That is my opinion so what is your opinion?



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