Knowing the BlockAIP platform and its amazing unique features

in #blockalp6 years ago (edited)

What is the BlockAIp platform?

BlockAIp this is a word which is formed from the abbreviation for Blockchain Artificial Intelligence Platform. This will be decentralized social networking as well as a media platform which will be powered by the blockchain technology while backed by the cryptocurrencies. As you can have noticed it is a social media website which has a messenger encryption feature through a Web and smartphone application. This website wills operation in cooperation with the artificial intelligence (AI) which will be known as Felix. Felix will be able to solve many of your problems as a user and will be able to learn and interact with any user as if she is a human.

When launched BlockAIp will have some identical features which include:

Democratic media hub

BlockAIp platform will be a totally democratic hub whereby there will be no editor who decides what is fit to be published on the platform. The decision about what to publish and what should not be published will be made by you as a member of the community. But BlockAIp will pay you for all the high-quality contents that you produce. This means that all users who produce contents that are attractive and are able to get a lot of engagement will receive a commission from BlockAIp as a reward for their commission.

Automatic personal loan service

BockAIp will fully operate an automated personal loan service where you will be able to borrow fiat money from the platform using several cryptocurrency assets as collateral. You won’t need to have credit scoring to be qualified for the loan. This is one of the unique features which will be found on BlockAip platform that will help users use their crypto assets for borrowing fiat money that they can use for trading and performing other services.

Secured, transparent and efficient

You have the guarantee that the platform will be secured through some measures that are set to make sure that all the transactions and users information cannot be stolen or leaked. Also, the platform will be transparent due to the blockchain technology which is a public ledger. All the transaction will record on the blockchain which makes it transparent. When it comes to efficiency, the platform is created to handle millions of transactions per second with no problem. Because the platform will use a self-taught Artificial Intelligence, the platform will get better every day by learning from experience. We believe that within no time BlockAIp will become the leading social networking websites, banks, media hubs as well as traditional payment processors in a way that users and the clients will become products.

The BlockAIP platform aims at becoming the most effective tool for your daily use in dealing with routine things. The platform will ensure that it provides the easiest and convenient way of doing things that will give you the best user’s experience. On the other hand, you will earn rewards in by publishing the best contents which will attract a lot of attention on the platform. This will make BlockAIp be one of its kinds and will set a standard for other platforms.


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