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RE: How To Write Comments That Makes Influencers Notice You

I think writing great and thoughtful comments is one of the most under-rated things on Steemit which importance many new users fail to use. Not that only someone can upvote your comment and help you earn more, but also it gets you noticed.

Noticed by others users, maybe some of them influental, or not. It really does not matter. Great commeting opens up the opportunity to meet some amazing people and create friendships. Because guys everybody wants to follow a guy who leaves great comments. Because guess what? It is not a rocket science. Everybody wants GREAT COMMENTS on their posts. So next time you are wondering why your posts are not getting much attention you should look into improving your commenting on others peoples posts. It is extremely important for success on Steemit.

The more you give, the more you will get in return.

Amazing post brother. I am sure many who take the time to read will benefit greatly from it. I hope many new users will take the time to read it because it is extremely important for their success on Steemit.

Have an amazing day brother. :)


Hello @awakentolife

Thanks for reading, it is obvious from your comments that you read the post and took it to heart.

What people fail to realise is that the more you give, the more you recieve, everyone wants 100% of the value and that is not possible.

There has to be a balance of giving and recieving.

