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RE: [Blockchain] IBM Creates World's Smallest Computer Aimed At Blockchain Tech

in #blockchain6 years ago

Very interesting! I like that the price is low so most people would have access. I admit I sort of had some Johnny Mnemonic thoughts for a moment. I have also read some articles a while back about installing RAM/memory in the brain for people with memory loss. Combined it is an interesting future to contemplate.


You know, I hadn't even thought of that! You could imagine one being placed on the brain to give us a boost. Looking at the picture again, they even look like the supposed alien implants some people have claimed they have inside them, weird.

I have to say, I don't know how I feel about biohacking, I was reading about an aussie guy (with an amazing name that I'll look up in a sec) who implanted his contactless chip under his skin so he could pay for trains with his hand. I love technology, and most sci-fi ideas don't freak me out, but that does. Equally, a bionic hand would be cool so I dunno...

I haven't seen that film in years! I know what I'm watching tonight now...

It does look like an alien implant!

Oh, and that biohacker's name was Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow. I shit you not.

lmfao that's crazy (the name) woooww... I just keep reading it over and over. It's like nyan cat in that way. haha

haha nyan cats nerdy sibling