This #coin wants to be the dream of every artist. ArtByte (formerly called AppleByte ) is a cryptocurrency that was created with the aim of supporting artists from around the #world . We can find this on its website :
" Our mission is to support artists in building their careers. There is no charge for our services for artists and art lovers. Services are paid by the Foundation ArtByte . "
¿How does ArtByte helps artists ?
It allows artists to receive and spend artbytes , as if they were points or airline miles rewards or credit cards rewards. It also helps them gain greater exposure in social networks.
¿How artists can reciebe Artbytes?
- Fans who can give them this cryptocurrency easily. There is even an application for #twitter in which fans can help artists directly in their personal user of this network.
- The artists can earn themselves by helping to put more coins in circulation through the site ArtByte Orchard .
- Artists also can earn linking their #computer to the network as a node. So they can mine them.
Are there other benefits?
Artists can achieve more exposure through the social networks ArtByte .
The Foundation publishes ArtByte messages, tweets , retweets of painters , writers , musicians, etc. , involved in the project.
In addition , artists can put a link for free at the site ArtByte and visit the forum and win new fans. When an artist has a new project or action , you can read about it in the forum , section New projects, and will be promoted in the #media that has the page.
Artists can sell their work or services for ArtBytes . For example , the founder of ArtByte is a #fashion photographer and it allows customers to pay with this cryptocurrency .
¿ Is it profitable ?
ArtByte is perfect for diversification, the currency is now in the position #CoinMarketCap 141 , with a market capitalization of $331,000 . On Thursday July 21 transactions in the order of $ 20,000 were made. Each ArtByte cost about $ 0.0004 . The #cryptocurrency grew in the second quarter and July 22 reached its highest price: 0.0005 dollars .
Artbytes artists can obtain this cryptocurrency transactions in the exchange @poloniex , change it for FIATor Bitcoin.
¿What are your thoughts on this?
hey this looks like it has a lot of potential. Are you thinking of having it integrated into art related forums, or websites?
Yes sure why not :)
it could be interesting if it was integrated onto sites where artists sell work, like Artfinder etc maybe? When ppl don't necessarily want to buy a piece but are happy to donate/tip smaller amounts
The July portion was in part caused by a pump and dump I helped start. However I will say this, most good will coins have excellent philanthropic capacities, but is rarely backed by traders who in some ways create the price of the coin. There is a few coins that are rarer than this one though -- check out UNO and btcd.
Also poloniex does not offer fiat, they offer USDT (Tether) which is a USD equivalent, it also requires additional verification portions which most people find frustrating - myself included.
Nice post. ArtByte has grown considerably over the last year. This post reports that ArtByte has a marketcap of $331,000. Today it is over $3,000,000.
It is seems like recent tech features implementation (so it is now one of a few altcoins implemented SegWit, like Litecoin) boosted its price vs. both USD and BTC.

UPD Aug 15: SegWit and CSV are now fully enabled on the ArtByte testnet! Up next is final testing on the new client and mining pool.
Then enabling SegWit on the live network.