The GPS revolution

in #blockchain6 years ago


The GPS technology or the Global Positioning System have revolutionized every aspect of the modern world. By becoming interactive and more useful in almost, every industry GPS solved many trust issues in the business market. Companies could suddenly track their shipped parcels on a global scale and with an error of mere feet.

With the help of GPS, people can now navigate unknown cities without any problems, find missing people and assets and this is just to scratch the surface of what this technology is capable of. An increase in reliability and accuracy are registered every year as there are continuous development organizations in the field, committed to delivering cutting-edge technology.

Currently, GPS relies on satellite connections only and because these satellites are in space, scalability issues arise. In order to augment this technology, ground-based beacons would be the natural next step, but given the fact that these beacons could be tampered with, technology leaders in the field of GPS were skeptical to advance to this step so quickly.

The XY Oracle Network: Blockchain meets GPS

Combining blockchain technology and the deterministic power of location the XYO Network plans to bring the Smart Contracts feature to the real world. Smart Contracts allow a programmatic interaction to be embedded with the GPS technology, for example, a vendor delivers a good to a customer with the help of the XYO Network. Once the good arrives at the destination, with the help of the XY coordinates the vendor will be able to detect that and automatically get paid for the delivered product.

This, however, is just a simple example, XYO could disrupt the E-commerce industry that’s currently evaluated at a whopping 11 trillion dollars, to put things in perspective, the current total crypto market cap is only around half a trillion dollar. Granted that this tech stack is implemented well, the projected growth of the project could be exponential.

Proof of Location

Centralized solutions currently source reliable GPS technology. The problem is that the centralized way is prone to interference, vulnerable to hacker attacks and thus tampering with life-threatening circumstances. Thanks to the decentralized nature of the blockchain technology GPS can finally become a tamper-proof system. Having a decentralized confirmation of location by employing a network of interconnected hardware solutions will allow for an instrumental paradigm shift on how people can source location data.

By eliminating central points of control, the network will be completely self-sufficient, and the current market needs will dictate the need for such technology. However, if blockchain technology has proven anything yet, it would have to be the ability to lower running costs of any technology it intersects with. Big centralized solutions will not be able to compete with the cost-effectiveness of the decentralized net so the only solution for these bigger companies would be the rethinking of the business model.

Weaving privacy with a Proof of Location protocol that can employ Smart Contracts is undoubtedly going to disrupt a significant number of markets.


By utilizing the XYO Network and XYO Tokens, companies can offer an independently confirmed ledger to track every step of a shipment’s progress, starting at the fulfillment center and ending with the package’s secure delivery within the customer’s home. As a trustless and decentralized system, the XYO Network provides independent confirmation not only of a package’s delivery, but of its entire shipping history. This also allows a retailer or eCommerce site to offer payment upon delivery, utilizing an Ethereum smart contract to protect the merchant from fraud or loss

Technological progress has given mankind gps technology. Now you do not need to carry a huge number of paper cards. Now you do not need to worry about losing a route. All you need is a device (mostly a smartphone or a GPS navigator.). Thanks to such devices you will get rid of many headaches and will feel sure wherever you are. This is used in all branches of the world economy.
People are becoming more and more dependent on new technologies. But there are a number of threats that pose great challenges for the entire industry. Various forms of interference such as cyber attacks can exacerbate the situation.
The XYO network is the answer to this problem. The XYO network makes available information about trust through a system of cryptographic technologies and protocols.
Which are necessary to bridge the gap in the world today, into the world of tomorrow.
Network XE is a very strong and complex breakthrough in the technology of the block chain. He changes the preposition about the things we know. It's a dream thing.
I like the solution that the XYO Network imposes. Those who are interested in this must necessarily visit the main sat. I am sure that you will be surprised.
Thank you, this promises to be a revolutionary solution.

GPS is a one of the human finest investion which has changed the world..GPS helped many aspects of lives. GPS has helped army,business,transportation etc to facilitate..Now it has became most essential part of human life to navigate places and directions...Use of GPS has made self dependent to us where ever we go no matter we can find anything or places by navigating it in ant part of the world...GPS has also helped in revolution of technology and online market to flourish...All rhe modern car and rental car use GPS to receive customers and to give ride.
GPS has made world very small. @danizaharie

Built into the XYO Network’s cryptoeconomicssits ground-breaking tools for incentivizing both XYO Miners (crypto-location miners) and Token Holders (with Token Rebates), which encourage healthy liquidity, low transaction fees and long-term value.
In order to award those who purchase XYO Tokens during our current Token Sale period, all tokens that are not sold after the Token Generation Event concludes will be burned; thus the tokens one purchases during the sale becomes a finite, scarce resource, which benefits those who purchase tokens during the sale.

Their is no doubt GPS is the biggest invention in human life.we cannot imagine human life without GPS,because of GPS we an travel easily anyway we don’t need to know about all the a day we can see in every car or vehicles thay use GPS..its all thank to the blockchain of technology that make our life easy.
Great post @danizaharie

Technology advances and affordability makes it accessible for each of us to own a GPS device. For those who do not know what GPS actually is, in a nut shell, a tracking system created by the U.S. government for spying that finally in the 80s was opened up to the public to use. It consists of three parts: satellites that orbit the Earth, Monitoring stations, and the actual GPS unit.

GPS is not limited to means of travel but also quite prevalent throughout our society. GPS systems help the individual locate points of interest. For instance, one can seek for desired places to stop in the cities in which you visit. If you need medical care, you can find a hospital through GPS. Searching for points of interest on a GPS is quite a benefit of its own. @danizaharie

GPS has incredibly changed the lives of us people in the areas of technology, culture and our thinking. It has become an integral part of everyone's lives and is available everywhere today, be it on your mobile devices, cars or other gadgets. It has helped out businesses thrive, eased navigation and changed how we live and communicate.

Technology is not yet done with innovations that continually improves the efficiency of how things were done in the past. With GPS, the world continues to shrink and shrink in scope, enabling more transparency in business dealings in the process. GPS technology is indeed a revolution.

Great idea this proof of GPS location blockchain. On their website (by the way, I like the design and all the animation, great work), I read that the company behind the XYO Network is XY Findables, which founded in 2012, produced over 1 million Bluetooth & GPS beacons that interact every day in the real world (very fierce competitor to Tile). So, it's always good to see a project with a real impact in the world. But only 13h before the ICO, I have to read the Whitepaper rapidly. Thanks for sharing...

GPS is a system. It’s made up of three parts: satellites, ground stations, and receivers.

Satellites act like the stars in constellations—we know where they are supposed to be at any given time.

The ground stations use radar to make sure they are actually where we think they are.

A receiver, like you might find in your phone or in your parents car, is constantly listening for a signal from these satellites. The receiver figures out how far away they are from some of them.

Once the receiver calculates its distance from four or more satellites, it knows exactly where you are. Presto! From miles up in space your location on the ground can be determined with incredible precision! They can usually determine where you are within a few yards of your actual location. More high-tech receivers, though, can figure out where you are to within a few inches!

Using the unique features of the blockchain technology, the XYO Network provides world-class location protocols that are essential in developing a location network that is decentralized, trustless, and secure. And with the XYO Token, all participants within the network stand to gain a lot.

gps is a one of the human greatest investion which has changed the arena..gps helped many factors of lives. gps has helped army,business,transportation and so on to it has became maximum crucial a part of human existence to navigate places and instructions...use of gps has made self structured to us where ever we pass regardless of we are able to find anything or locations through navigating it in ant a part of the sector...gps has additionally helped in revolution of era and on line marketplace to flourish...all rhe modern-day vehicle and rental car use gps to acquire customers and to give journey.
gps has made international very small. @danizaharie

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XY Oracle Network is a big thing in the Global Positioning System. I believe the feature is going to move the GPS system a step ahead. GPS in many countries has been slow in responding to requests. Something which has made tracking of property slow. Affecting the work of police and other tracking agencies.
XYO is going to do a lot of ground work in tracking which had proved a challenge for the satelites. Thanks to the blockchain.

wow well information in blockchain .... keep it up

Tying GPS to a peer to peer networking structure is an interesting concept. This is particularly the case of using different kinds of networks to improve accuracy / precision of data. It could tease out some really interesting advancements - especially in terms of hardware and software relationships.

Is XYO Network using an operating environment that can bring everything together?

If not, please consider chatting with FriendUP at its community page on Telegram:

Coordinate data is being tested by the team. And, secure and transparent business is important as well.

If it is of interest, an overview video of the platform is here:

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment