One of the main problems concerning scalability of the blockchain is the limited size of it’s blocks. This essentially makes it impossible to store more complex data than transaction history, registry entries, and hashes in a block. Therefore, the majority of public blockchains have not yet surpassed the "transactional" stage of development.
Gravity strives to become not only a blockchain of transactions/for transactions, but, above all else, a distributed protocol for managing the sum of all possible data, and the use of distributed data stores such as IPFS is inevitable in this task.
IPFS organizes distributed data storage on users' computers. This is the same concept BitSwap Ledgers implemented in IPFS, a scalable register where the distribution of content blocks is similar to the distribution in the Kademlia DHT. These registries deal only with peer-to-peer relationships without regard to latency, bandwidth, or network availability, making IPFS a versatile and extensible decentralized file system.
Thus, after IPFs integration, it becomes possible store only the hash data on-chain. The data itself will be stored off-chain, in IPFS.
The ability to store just the hash data on-chain, significantly decreases the size of data to be stored, which slows down the speed of chain bloat, thus decreasing the resources required for blockchain nodes, as well as the time it takes to resync and replay, which is a huge problem on existing blockchains that try to store unnecessary data on their chains.
Here is how it works: The hash of a file fully corresponds to the content loaded into IPFS and is actually, in itself, the content address. If the file is modified, its hash will change and the file will no longer be available at the same content address. This makes it impossible for third-parties to change the uploaded content, opening up many opportunities for practical application in the fields of transmission and storage of reliable data. Multi-versioning of the file (like git) is supported to allow the owner to change the content.
Processing and storage of a large amount of reliable data is a very important component for the use of blockchain technologies as well as the implementation of decentralized solutions areas such as Big Data, AI Deep Learning, Internet-of-Things, Smart House, CCTV, etc.
Data hash associates with smart contracts, which organize the transaction cycle. This is another important feature of blockchain IPFS integration: Participants get the ability to control access to the data itself, including on an optional paid basis, without any intermediaries. The hash is encrypted with the private key of the recipient. This is a guarantee that only those who have paid will be able to gain access to the data.
This feature enables broad integration of blockchain technologies in the industry of paid access control to content, such as video and audio files, training courses, and any other content which is usually behind a traditional paywall, including access control to copyrighted objects as well.
Gravity Protocol implements a mechanism for transferring the rights to download content (media files, etc.) within a blockchain transaction, using encryption of IPFS storage blocks. An asymmetric encryption algorithm with public key is used to generate the signature that contains the hash address of the content and the password to decrypt the data blocks (see Fig. 1). The data blocks themselves are encrypted using the AES-256 symmetric algorithm, since the asymmetric encryption algorithm is not efficient when it comes to working with large amounts of data in terms of performance and resource requirements when compared to symmetric. The process of transferring the rights to download content is implemented by a built-in smart contract and is reflected in all blockchain transactions. As such, for the recipient of the content, operations are performed in reverse order (see Fig. 2).
The files themselves are located on the computers and servers of network participants. All members of the network will be given the opportunity to store Gravity IPFS data on their servers and devices, and will receive payment for this. The Gravity wallet interface will be used to activate IPFS storage. As a result, the data loaded into Gravity IPFS will have maximum storage security. With this in mind, the IPFS-storage system of the Gravity network ideally needs to be self-sufficient.
Thanks to the integration of IPFS in the Gravity Protocol, the Gravity Solutions Company will be able to deploy solutions for both small and medium businesses. For example, a digital content marketplace with flexible content storage and a content distribution system or an accounting system with a distributed storage can be created.
Implementation of IPFS in Gravity Protocol is planned by the end of 2018, according to our Roadmap.
by Vladimir Pugachev
See the previous articles
Gravity Protocol Intro
Gravity Protocol Roadmap
A Deeper Look Into Dan Larimer’s radio
Gravity Protocol initial distribution
Access to private testing
Adaptive Emission: Making Blockchain Economy Real
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What is the difference between gravity protocol and other similar projects like sia, storj and maidsafe?
Personally I like sia project.
Sia, storj and maidsafe have decentralized storage as an ultimate goal.
At the same time Gravity Protocol utilizes IPFS storage as an important solution to build sustainable use cases for small and medium business enterprises.
So it is not our final destination
I think nothing there pretty much the same

Just a random English comment passing by
I also like sia project
Has anyone successfully hosted storage space on Sia and earned coin?
In a word this is a authentic post, very much helpful for related investors.
I always have thoughts in my mind, which is
How to use Blocchin's technique to conduct democratic elections
Such as municipal, parliamentary or presidential elections
Many countries in the world often suffer from fraud
Even some democratic states
Is there anything new in that?
Yes, our blockchain will provide a user-friendly interface for various election related procedures. First of all, for the convenience of own selfmanagement. But no one prevents any organization or even the state from taking advantage of these opportunities.
Wow, this is great
This is something new for me but it is exciting for me to read all these blockchain related posts. Thank you for sharing.
good stuff
Wow. This is great.
yah that great that way it is trending

Very cool, would really love to see a decentralized data store project be successful
This is something to really look into. A great solution
I think to

This is great.
We will remember those days as beginning of a new age in IT
I am a little bit worried about the fact that IPFS is still an alpha and not everything works as it should. IPFS keeps forgetting files even if they are pinned on serveral nodes, what is currently a big problem on Dtube.
I am very skeptical if IPFS is ready for important files, but I like the idea.
Sure. IPFS is still at the early stage and the use cases we introduce utilize just it's current functionality. That is already big enough
We have to remember that this technology it is still on diapers. A long more people use it and more nodes exist, the networks will become more robust.

I understand eeeeeeverything that you said....nah, I am should put photos of naked girls instead
@gravity-protocol IPF has minimal storage limitations. It can serve files that are large or small. It automatically breaks up larger files into smaller chunks, allowing IPFS nodes to download (or stream) files from not just one server like with HTTP, but hundreds of them simultaneously.
Yes, and that's why IPFS integration is a good solution for decentralized data storage.
This could be really awesome for use in trade blocs and such as it could provide efficient transactions for members and allow rapid data on currency trends and such. If only more could see h ow effective this would be in curbing inflation and other economic problems that normal currency is too slow in dealing with.
This is really Impressive.
I have 2 questions on the security:
The actual data on the IPFS node is closed by the AES-256 password which only the content owner knows.
@gravity-protocol @parsamov
It seems like a novel idea
I have a few questions:
We are creating a platform in which we will provide online services such as , mobile dth recharge , bill payments , movie tickets , train bus flight booking etc for our tokens . Platform will have an internal exchange in which you can directly sell your token and and transfer fund in bank and many more features to add.
We are currently group of 6 people and we are expanding our group . We are working hard on our project . We can guarantee good return on investment . Just we need some funds to start or boost up our project.
Amount required 50,000$
Small amount also appreciated
In return 2x of your investment and token worth of your investment.
WhatsApp or call +917992331033
This summer, we'll launch the Gravity main network. One of the features of the Gravity blockchain is the support for developers creating infrastructure units on our blockchain. It will workers like Bitshares. For understanding-such activity will be paid. You will be able to create your services on our blockchain and receive funding for this.
I Resteem this post
Thank you!
This is extremely interesting. I agree that most of the application relies only on very little transactional data being stored on the blockchain.
I have been researching on how to securely store sensitive data on the blockchain as many applications deal with sensitive information that needs to be protected.
the gravity protocol opens a different way to look at it and I'll surely expore more about this. Thanks
Thank you! Blockchain+IPFS is more level of decentralization.
Wow this was a really interesting article. I am glad to read interesting articles like this and to get some insight as to the research and development that goes on in the Crypto scene.
Most of the everyday crypto investors are more worried about how much gains they are making and not so much about the technology behind what makes most the different network what they are.
Can't wait for the day that blockchains become fully integrated into most businesses.
We are also waiting for this moment, so we offer solutions that bring it closer.
Wow! Great work gravity-protocol! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 124min with 183 votes.
Cool but wouldn't it be very hard to scale a service selling large files on this when you can't dedupe content?
This is only one area of application of this technology. The possibility to link the file access to the transaction is important here. File deduplication and piracy issues are applied tasks of those services that can be created using these features. We will provide such features with all the necessary options, for our part.
Hmm, maybe I'm missing something but wouldn't it be impossible to dedupe the files if they have to be encrypted with the users public key before storing in IPFS? And without that feature what sets this apart from DTube for example that just posts IPFS hashes to the Steem blockchain?
The hash is encrypted with a public key. The file itself is encrypted using AES-256. The hash is not in the public access.
Well I'm still studying this gravity protocol I like its enhanced data storage feature I feel the blockchain platform requires a fully optimized and transparent data storage.
Great Article man! looking forward for another..
Is gravity protocol and maidsafe similar?
It's not similar) Read our articles, please. IPFS is one of solutions in Gravity, and not the basis.
it is great idea
Hy all I just started to giveaway SBD on MY BLOG Check to participate
Very informative, thanks for the write up.
really i like the project ,. sia project
Hey @, great post! GOOD
I enjoy your content Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see nice content on Steemit! :)
Hey @, great post! GOOD
I enjoy your content Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see nice content on Steemit! :)
Yes I agree with you the need to distribute blocks of content so that benefit from it
Very Interesting !! I need to study!!
Wow..@gravity-protocol, This is something to really look into. A great solution😍😍
꾸욱 보팅하고가요
We will remember those days as a beginning of a new age in IT.
Thanks for your post
Very good information friend excellent graphics good work
What is the difference between gravity protocols and different similar projects like Sia, Starz and Maiseph?
Really i love so much.
We are not similar these projects. For us, IPFS is only one solution to the problems of blockchain scaleability. Read our articles first, please. Their actual list is at the end of this article.
it is the best solution for all, everybody can know more by this article
You are absolutely right.Thankx for sharing this information.
Resteemed, its a nice post. Thanks
i read post. i like this is realty base and this is esly simple awry budy understand .
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