TOKOIN Platform: the Best Solution to MSME Issue with Blockchain Technology

in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)


You will need the help of blockchain platform if you ever plan on doing online business. After all, data information is everything in the network environment. Blockchain platform will help you with that. Your job is to find the best one for the needs. Merchants will need to know the existence of TOKOIN Platform where you can get quite an insight from visiting one of sources of this platform here, such as Need to be known that TOKOIN Platform is considered to be the number one Indonesian blockchain platform worth to consider.

There are some factors that set it apart from the rest of its kind. Otherwise, it won’t be regarded as the best one of all available blockchain projects. This fact alone is enough to make the platform worthy of attention. So, in this chance, we would like to talk more of this platform here, including what the issue and how to deal with the problem. This platform has the answer. Let’s dig further about it here if it can convince you to choose this platform. There is a lot to learn about TOKOIN Platform. Do pay extra attention below.

What’s MSME Issue in Emerging Market?

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There wouldn’t be solution without problem to solve to begin with. Speaking about the issue in the emerging markets, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) does not always grow as smooth as you thought it would be. It has been reported by The World Bank that there is credit gap of MSMEs. Since they are the driving forces of economies in the market, they play a huge part in this line of businesses. They’re meant to contribute as much as 60% of total employment and 40% of the GDP, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.

In fact, as much as 70% of them don’t meet the financial needs, while those needs are meant to support both business growth and operation. There are some things they do lack that make them so. What they lack are collateral and accurate financial records, as well as verification and credit score. In a glance, you should have been able to understand how they are necessary for financial needs. You can’t make calculation with unclear records, right? Everything must be accurate and verified to help you do proper financing. Of course, credit score will eventually be needed at later time as well.

If you can make sure everything is right and properly met, you will have enough to support the growth and operation of your business. That’s what you want too, right? Unfortunately, many MSMEs are currently facing the problem of lacking those that are necessary for financial needs. You can’t stay in such state forever if you want to advance in your business. That is why it becomes necessary to seek for solution. It is easier said than done, indeed. Many blockchain projects are all there to offer solution for you, but not all of them are capable enough to actually solve the issue.

However, it is not the case with this TOKOIN Platform here. We won’t suggest it as a solution for you otherwise. If it can fix everything right, why reconsider it? You are all set to grow your business even bigger and succeed it. What else can you ask then? It is best to give it a chance rather than wasting your time looking for one that might be best for you. It won’t hurt to take recommendation every now and then, you know. To begin with, things are not recommended for no clear reason. As we said, it is worth your time considering it.

What Solutions Do TOKOIN Project Offer?

TOKOIN Project is pretty interesting one compared to its kind. Unlike the rest, it has the capability to identify problem or opportunity that is significant yet not much people addressing it. Then, it will offer you unique but simple approach you can take to solve the problem. With certain solutions, this platform can bridge the credit gap between MSMEs in the market. There are mainly three solutions in the blockchain technology that this platform brings for all of its users. Of course, you need to focus on them and keep them all in mind.

However, there are other solutions worth mentioning as well. They’re there to contribute something for the better of the MSMEs in the markets. There is a need to educate them after all. Of course, as a result, the educated MSMEs will bring benefit on large corporations. We can expect no less from this blockchain project here. Its blockchain technology is there to specifically deal with the problem. So, here, let’s make everything clear and find out what those solutions referred here. It adds to what makes this platform the best pick for you.

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• Building Digital Business Identity

First than anything, the first solution to the problem is by building digital identity. Since we lack credit score, this platform does the job to build the scoring. Of course, it aims to comply with the standard that is necessary to apply for business loans. Thanks to business identity, one can record buying activity and gain reputation. It is one of the growing business factors in this line of businesses. So, you know it is needed and can’t be ignored. If MSMEs can show valid reputation, it can make acceptable credibility scoring. Do note it.

It is not only that for there are other functions worth to know of too. This business identity helps you quote to brands directly. Thus, buying bulk with lowest price becomes possible here. Any and every transaction will be made credibility record for mortgage in the future too. This business identity could even assist in avoiding fraud or risk damage that might happen with unknown intermediaries. Also, it makes point reward available to claim discount as well. There is a lot to gain from educating MSME in the emerging markets, indeed. However, it is just a starter for there is still a lot to follow.

• Adding the Funding Opportunity

If you are running business, you are bound to think of everything related to the finance. We need to keep the funds in check, for sure. You are not going to survive in the competitive marketplace if you have only limited funding opportunity. As you might have known, we have to create more and more of it for the sake of our business growth and operation. For that reason, MSMEs will have to learn how to utilize their data better. Better utilization of the data makes it possible to add more and more opportunities for business funding.

Fortunately, that’s exactly what TOKOIN Platform accommodates MSMEs for. After all, we really need to meet our financial needs. Otherwise, you won’t be able to support business growth and operation. That sure is bad for your business, right? So, do be sure to make good use of this trusted blockchain platform here. There is a lot to take care of and it is obviously hard to handle everything on your own. Leave everything to this project and you can gain much from it. It has shown much just from these two solutions it offers after all.

• Bringing in Business Partnerships

You can’t run business on your own, you know. At some point in the process, you will realize that it is necessary to build business partnership. Having partners will help grow opportunities. With variety of things each of them offers, there are more and more things to discover. Then, new opportunities will appear and keep coming eventually. You can’t expect the same if you do everything on your own. You will be stuck and can’t advance any further. There is a limit to what one person can do after all. We need helps to grow more.

If you manage to build valuable partnership then, it wouldn’t be farfetched to say that you are on the right road to success. Why, of course, after all valuable partnership can bring you engaging ecosystem. Here, you can find collectible business profiles. They are all profitable for business expansion. If you manage to make good use of them and expand more, you are bound to succeed eventually. It is pretty promising one, isn’t it? However, it is not a joke either for TOKOIN Platform is that capable to make that comes true.

• Recording and Processing Data

Need to be known, data information is considered to be valuable asset in online business. It is what everything is all about in the network after all. It is not something to be taken lightly. It is all the more reason for business needs. One mistake can mess up everything. It would not be a surprise if it affects your business reputation as well. Now, that’s not something you would want to happen, right? There is no need to worry though. TOKOIN Platform understands its importance very well. For that reason, it works all thoroughly here.

It captures, records, and processes all business information provided by the MSME users. Eventually, your business will gain reputation due to your expert performance. That’s quite solution to get, isn’t it? No wonder data information is that of high importance here and it is worth leaving it to TOKOIN Platform. With it working this good, you can benefit much from it. It is not something you can expect from other platforms to do it for you. Otherwise, it won’t be called the best, right? We guarantee you won’t go wrong with this blockchain platform here. It has the best technology to solve all issues.

• Linking the MSME and Banking

As it was said before, data information that has become valuable asset within TOKOIN ecosystem is what makes trusted reputation for the MSME users. Thanks to that, the users will have the chance for financial business services to be accessed from TOKOIN partnered providers. Things like this are not something that is available to them before. Now that the platform has this ready, you are free to take advantage of it and gain much benefit. If we look at it this way, TOKOIN Platform does act like a link between two parties involved here.

Those parties are the MSMEs and financial/banking sectors. Having this connection ready has allowed this platform to be capable of providing financial inclusion as well as contributing to the economic growth in the emerging markets. You can expect no less from this blockchain platform, indeed. It is sure to be able to assist you in running your business. It is that of professional kind that has enough expertise to take care of any issues that might arise. Running business would be easier than what you might have thought. Then, you get all the rights to reap the benefits that come of it.


TOKOIN Platform is the number one Indonesian blockchain project for a reason, that’s for sure. It knows where the problem lies and quickly makes unique yet simple approach to deal with it. That’s what makes them capable of identifying significant opportunities. With its blockchain technology, it solves the lack of collateral and accurate financial records, as well as verification and credit score. Thus, it becomes possible for it to bridge the credit gap of MSME users in the emerging markets. Things are getting better with its help. That’s why we have this blockchain platform suggested here.

It starts by building digital identity. Then, it utilizes data for more funding opportunity. Next, it brings business partnership. Not to mention, it definitely works thoroughly to capture, record, and process the data. It even prepares the access to financial business services from its partnered providers, successfully linking the MSMEs and the financial sectors. If you are interested, feel free to learn more from its social media. You can visit it at and you can even try using Tokoin dApp, the one specifically made for all TOKOIN users for their online business.

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