How blockchain will disrupt the big Web 2.0 tech giants like Facebook, Google etc

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Looking at the Facebook data privacy issue with Cambridge Analytica, I wonder how long it will take until Facebook users will realize that the freedom and privacy space they are giving up for social net
working represents bad deal for every Facebook user. As in every free market the supply must meet the demand in an equilibrium price situation. Privacy data is a highly valued asset that Facebook users are spending on the platform, and with the current scandal people will realize this. Moreover with the rise of blockchain based social networking, people will realize 2 things: firstly, you can enjoy social networking at a much lower price in terms of spending privacy data assets. Secondly one can even earn on the top by generating web content and cutting the platform intermediaries like Facebook or Google. Therefore I expect Steemit or Eos capable to disrupt Facebook or Google in the next 5 years, and the simple fact the 2 giants are banning ICO advertisements is a sign they are afraid of the blockchain wave we are witnessing.