ETHLend - Brand New Lending Site With Super Low Interest Rates!


ETHLend is proud to provide their global lending and borrowing service to anyone with an Internet connection. Because it's globally friendly, and not restricted by country of origin, everyone and anyone is welcome to join! What does this mean for you? It means low interest rates, a new line of credit, and global investment opportunity!

The European PDS2 Directive has already adopted regulations that continue where the first set of directives left off. It officially goes into effect January 2018. ETHLend is leading the way to help Europe develop their new system of banking regulations by being PDS2 compatible.

The Ethereum Blockchain has allowed ETHLend to "plug-in" to new high-tech banking initiatives! It's taking the financial world by storm and to incredible heights! Where traditional banks restrict foreign country participation, ETHLend opens this door for happy and free global lending!

ETHLend Provides You With Global Financial Ability

Zero Country Restrictions - You can be a part of ETHLend no matter where in the world you live! There's no restriction on country of origin, and you don't need to have a previous lending reputation (aka credit score or credit rating) to get started. With the Ethereum Blockchain being so new, everyone is building their reputation for the first time in history! Taking advantage of the "free" nature of decentralized lending is in your best interest!

100% Open-Source - The ETHLend lending network believes that progress is the key to any strong business. That's why ETHLend encourages third-party programmers to help create custom apps to upgrade the usefulness and functionality of the site.

Multiple Collateral Options - Borrowers have their choice at ETHLend. Use any ERC-20 Compatible Token or Ethereum Domain Name Service (ENS) domain name as collateral. Either of these can qualify you for a loan at the site.

Know-Your-Customer (KYC) And Anti-Money Laundering Policies - In an effort to ensure the ETHLend site stays a safe and secure lending environment for everyone, KYC and Know-Your-Customer policies will be strictly enforced.

These include, but aren't limited to Anti-bribery provisions, transaction monitoring, customer identification procedures, name matching against illegal activity, terrorist and identity theft checks, transactional expectancy reports, financial risk assessments, and more. Basically, these policies force members to go through multiple scans and checks to reveal illegal involvement related to them as a member.

Investing In ETHLend Is More Than Just Hot, It's Revolutionary!

Savvy online investors always seem to be keeping track of "the next big thing." And for a good reason! Online technology trends have made multi-millionaires out of more than just a few people in the world today, that's for sure! People who invested in Netflix, Alibaba, eBay, Twitter, Amazon, etc. early on, GOT FILTHY RICH DOING IT.

Now, the decentralized Blockchain is providing us all one more way to draw a profit out of the Internet, but you've got to "Grab The Bull By The Horns" and make it happen! Blockchain based start-up companies are popping up all over the Web like wildfire! The number of Blockchain companies now open for business is in the THOUSANDS. $20 billion in savings from this new technology is expected by 2022, and the finance and tech sector will dump a total of 1 billion dollars in Blockchain technology this year ALONE!

Considering to invest a bit of money in ETHLend is a smart idea, and a solid addition to any investment portfolio, without a doubt! The key is to invest in MANY Blockchain startups early on for the highest amount of profit!

For more information please visit and Whitepaper.


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