It’s time for blockchain to meet its public

in #blockchain6 years ago

“Being in control of your information, and to certain degree your own destiny, focuses even more attention on making blockchain a tool for everyone, not just the technological elite.”
It could one day drive every financial transaction in the world. That’s why blockchain needs a product that makes sense to everyone. And our kids need it today, says Pigzbe CTO Cat le Huy.
Blockchain has the potential to be one of today’s most transformative technologies. But its power for good is stranded behind technical complexity, layers of jargon and even a reputation for geekiness.
There is — rightly — a drive to bring it into the mainstream and make it accessible, useable and relevant to a mass audience, simply and effectively.
We believe Pigzbe will be the first popular and easy to use bridge to the advantages of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. And it will do that for millions of people, thousands of families and the next generation of financially switched on kids. In fact that’s the generation we want to help build.
Driving consumer trust and adoption
I think where Pigzbe is so important is that it’s the first consumer product that I’d call ‘Blockchain Positive’.
It’s not speculating on a random cryptocurrency; it’s not being used to ‘buy and hide’. It is proudly putting blockchain technology front and foremost as a means of financial education and inclusion for kids and parents. That’s a positive and demystifying step. It also helps to combat some of the perceptions of blockchain, which are still a little tainted by its early beginnings, by making it practical, relevant and genuinely helpful in the real world.
In fact making blockchain accessible and trustworthy for all is a modern day imperative, and now is the time.
The rate at which technology as a whole is evolving at the moment makes it very easy to be left behind. We’ve already seen this with grandparents who refuse to even log on to the Internet, and that’s leaving them at a huge disadvantage.
Inclusion and understanding
Blockchain has the potential to disrupt everything from consumer technology to health care to how banking is done. To be left out of such a powerful technology — or fail to even get on the first rung of the ladder — could impact the lives of many.
Easy access to blockchain on one hand allows inclusion across a huge range of applications likely to be developed over coming years. Importantly, a better understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrencies as a whole will help people gain a level of independence that traditional technologies cannot deliver.
We’re already seeing this shift in public attitude with the backlash against Facebook and the toughening of data laws under GDPR. That sense of being in control of your information, and to certain degree your own destiny, focuses even more attention on making blockchain a tool for everyone, not just the technological elite.
I think this is why Pigzbe is such a fascinating product. While our mission as a company is about financial education and inclusion, Pigzbe as a whole is the first product in my mind that provides a response to this real desire for a change in behaviour.
A magnet for funding
In many ways blockchain has become a movement that people are buying into for its transparency, security and privacy. It’s a way regaining some liberty from what can seem like an age of controlling technology.
But while all of that is true, we’re also seeing a rush of VC and private equity funding into blockchain businesses. They see its enormous potential. There are brave enterprises already exploring if it can boost their existing business, and perhaps more nervous ones looking to see if it’s a threat to their traditional ways of working.
Analysts for The International Data Corporation recently reported that global investment in blockchain solutions will exceed $2bn this year (more than doubling from last) and approach $10b by 2021.
When Gartner released its Hype Cycle results in 2017, 15 of the 20 categories declared as ‘On the Rise’ were blockchain or cryptocurrency related. “Maturity will usher in dramatic and sudden changes, radically reshaping economic systems, institutions and societal models that have existed for hundreds of years,” said the American tech researchers, concluding that scenario planning for this coming revolution was now “essential”.
With the sheer amount of capital being ploughed into blockchain at the moment, it’s hard not to see it having a major impact in the future, and we want to be part of that.
By using smart design and a practical, accessible approach to blockchain, Pigzbe is creating a new community of people who are both financially and technologically literate, and it’s arming kids with something that will be incredibly valuable to them whatever the future holds.


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