
Great to birtuallt meet you from the other side. What an amazing & informative post - I’m thrilled you found me so I could follow, read & learn.

This post really should be read by so many. Let me know if you release it too on the other side. Post like this have power in them to convert the conditioned ignorant.

Brilliant, thank you. Resteemed, Tweeted & FB too. Kindest DJ

Thank you so much, DJ! I agree that everyone should read it. It's so exciting to see changes like this. Thanks for resteeming. I look forward to getting to know you and seeing more of your posts.

Great post I showed my wife as well! Definitely think blockchain can fix a lot of problems thanks for spreading the word looking forward to more post!

I'm so glad that you found value in it, Tom! I'm super excited about all the changes that will come about because of blockchain technology.

Thanks for the follow...I followed you back.

Beware of Google+. I've been in active threads before and switched accounts and each account shows entirely different comments. The shadow banning is digusting on that site. I'm saying that here because you might not see it on your G+ post.

The very reason I got into blockchain tech in the first place was because I saw its potential at solving real world problems, creating transparency in supply chains and creating a way of having business conducted in a way that was effectively regulation-proof, decentralised and trust-less (by that I mean you don't have to trust other people, you can verify through the use of witnesses, smart contracts and virtual escrow etc).

It's part of something that I'm doing with my colleagues in the #promo-steem team, effectively we have developed a method for humanitarian work to be delivered and verified on the blockchain. The same principle can be applied to all sorts of businesses. And when you think about what @ned was talking about with his 100K+ microbusinesses on the STEEM blockchain, it's well worth understanding how this technology can be used to really create massively added value for everyone from the producer to the consumer.

While I didn't quite realize to what extent, I remember the realization that the technology would change things.

It seems like you are involved in a few interesting projects. I followed you and look forward to seeing your posts. I looked through a few of appears like we agree on a lot of things. :)

I'm not familiar with 100K+ microbusinesses on the STEEM blockchain? @ned is a co-founder, correct?

The technology doesn't seem to be catching on as quickly in the United States. I invite so many people here (that I know would do well and be a benefit to the community); however, I think it's a little intimidating for someone who doesn't understand cryptocurrency.

You could well be correct. I think that is very much our job, to educate people, to show them that it really isn't that scary. The 100K + microbusinesses that @ned talks about was in one of his start of the year videos. I personally see that the STEEM blockchain, with its position as the biggest blockchain on the planet (which it makes up around half of all global blockchain transactions) has the ability to really make things happen in the real world. Thanks for writing back, it's great to connect with loads of awesome likeminded people all across the globe!

great post Rebecca! So good to see there are already a bunch of blockchain projects to make supply chains transparent. I was inspired by the True Cost Movie as well! As mentioned, I am starting to create this database with blockchain startups / projects for social impact and I will definitely add these. Thanks for sharing!