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RE: Reinvent blockchain

in #blockchain4 years ago

Most people need and relish control. Life is so complicated! Do not imagine that because you find the Control System too oppressing it is also the opinion of the majority. Quite the contrary.

I am suggesting Control systems are very necessary. They have a nasty tendency though to spoil after a while, to turn bad. When that happens, some people resent their bad Control system so much, they want to destroy it and never allow any other control system again. That is a childish and very unwise reaction.

Control systems are needed and can produce very powerful, desirable results.

A bit like a sharp knife. But if you use a good knife a lot, you might accidentally cut yourself.

Rejecting all control systems because the current one has turned bad is like destroying all knifes and vowing to never let a knife be produced because you hurt yourself with one.

Control systems need to be continuously monitored for signs of deterioration and need to be fixed and improved. I think blockchain technology is a tool for building such monitoring devices that could keep a Control System in check for longer, allowing us to derive its benefits while mitigating the risks
